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The Omnichannel
Marketing System You
Need To Quantum
Leap Your Business
by Shawn Jones
YOU are unlike the masses! 2020 has been a year filled with learning, adapting, trying new ideas out, and
cutting the fat off things that no longer serve you and your business. We know because we are right there
alongside you. And as we enter 2021, like us, you are looking for a jumpstart!
A percentage of you may have relationships create community success. Through our community,
hired a business coach to help and commerce follows. Wait, you will build alliances, connect
get you on track or are currently what? Sounds complicated, but with powerful referral partners,
considering hiring one. We have it’s not. What we have created share your message to a business
hired great coaches to help us is an integrative approach to to the business community, and
attain our goals and show us better Personal, Traditional, and Digital experience a global support
ways. We have also hired not so promotion for business owners system in-person and virtual.
great of coaches. You know, the and entrepreneurs.
ones who charge you an arm and Your journey does not end here,
a leg promising you results, yet Here is where it gets good. Our it’s just getting started because
no matter how closely you follow community, the iNETrepreneur you are the expert in your industry,
their system, the results do not Network, is one the largest and every great expert knows
seem to change. independently owned, non- they need to share their stories,
franchised internationally known help solve real-life problems, and
We have been there and done entrepreneurial communities be a resource for others. This
this, too. in the world. Our #1 core value is why being published in the
is focused on building strong iNETrepreneur Magazine helps
Now before you go, oh brother, relationships with businesses businesses be heard and seen.
not another coach, you can relax helping them to build their target With over 24,000 subscribers,
and breathe because we are not audiences through a Low-Cost, 30-pages of experts, you can
coaches. In fact, we work with High Impact approach. turn this magazine into your own
coaches and their clients. If you personal expert corner.
do not have a coach, do not worry How does this system map out?
because we work directly with It starts by integrating businesses Why coaches love this magazine
you, too. just like you into a community of is because it gives their clients
entrepreneurs, business owners, a chance to put in actionable
You see, what the iNETrepreneur and top influencers around content, and they learned how
Network, offers is an omnichannel the globe who believe positive to build reaching their target
marketing system where relationships are the foundation to audience. It is real-life experience
outside the coaching classroom.