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Then one day he texted me and We found out and realized we business into a million-dollar
asked if there any chance for us liked the same things, thought company. She then went on to
to get back together again. I said, alike, had the same experiences, help others to build million-dollar
“No, if I stayed, I would be slowly liked the same foods, believed in companies in diverse industries. She
dying. I am now choosing to live the same things, and even have has the unique ability as a “business
and to be happy.” the same food allergies. We both intuitive” to naturally gauge how
like to help others, and we had the
During the divorce, my kids were same trust beliefs. and where to take business for fast
mad at me. Their father had growth.
convinced them that I was the We are so much alike. We are soul
bad person and didn’t love them. mates, and I’m in love and feel so Heide has authored multiple books
During this time, I really learned to free. It dawned on me that I love including her best-seller Statements
trust and lean on God. myself more because he is like me. of Power. Her newest upcoming
As I dated, God showed me that Once I realized it, I thanked God book is “How to Get Rid of Negative
I was attracting the same type of for him and my love for God is real. People: I Noticed None of Them Are
person that my mom, sister, and I love myself more, and my love Friends with Me Anymore”.
husband had been. If I continued for everyone has increased. It’s an
dating these people, the cycle of amazing love that I never knew. She is also the host of Influential
being a “victim of abuse” would The love has become a complete People TV, bringing together and
continue. I decided to work on self- circle as it is written in The Bible. featuring incredible, inspirational,
development and trust God. Then and influential people around the
it happened, I met my soul mate! 1. Love God world who have a large impact on
We both had issues from the past 2. Love yourself people’s lives!
that we were dealing with, and 3. Love thy neighbor as yourself
enjoyed attending workshops and 4. Back to loving God.
seminars to learn how to break the (The complete circle of love)
Heide Dangelo is known as a serial
At one of the workshops, we entrepreneur, CEO, professional www.humancommunicationinstitute.
were challenged to give dating a speaker, businesswoman, founder/ com
chance. We both hesitated, but Publisher of Influential People
then decided to give it a try with Magazine, International Fitness
the understanding that we did Fashion Magazines, Influential
not want to have a relationship at Doctors Magazine, and Human
that time. I had a question for him Communication Institute. She has
that had been bothering me a lot. unselfishly helped many to build
I asked him, “How would you feel their brands and achieve success
if we began dating and you saw
me talking to another guy? Would in diverse industries, which has
you become jealous or accuse me made her a highly influential and
of cheating on you?” He said, “Of sought-after mentor and talented
course not! If we were dating, I inspirational/motivational speaker
would be putting my trust in God of today.
and in you.” At the moment, I felt
relieved from my “eggshell prison” Even though she is legally deaf,
that I was in. I felt free to date she can speak and hear very well.
him, knowing that we trusted each Her strength and belief in herself
other on the same level. propelled her to grow her cleaning