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Efficiency, Tools For A
Modern Age
by Micah Watkins
We need to discuss something nobody really wants to talk about. In fact, people hear what I am about
to mention, and they run for the hills. Before I mention what it is, I want to you to sit down and prepare
yourself. If you are like most people, you might want to have some garlic and crosses at your side table. Do
I have your attention yet? What is it? What could he possibly mention to make me want to run for the hills?
Life Insurance! and our number one priority in life is the core reason to change things
is to look after number one. in the first place. Otherwise, if it’s
Ugh…There I said it. not broken, don’t fix it.
So why am I telling you this?
I want you to think of why we Because, we live in a different I want to talk to you about one
have life insurance, wait…no, I world now. We live in a world industry in particular, specifically
don’t want you to think of that. of efficiency, where everything the life insurance industry. There’s
Better yet, I want you to think of we do needs to be efficient or a lot of confusion when we talk
who you have life insurance for. I we move on. Only 40 years ago, about life insurance. Whole,
want you to take a moment and we had rotary phones, 30 years universal, term: which is the best
let the positive feelings you have ago touch-tone phones, 20 years for me and my family? Term and
of that thought sit with you, feel ago cell phones, 10 years ago invest the rest? There are so many
it in your heart. Did you feel the Smartphones. Now we have the questions, but we will save that
depth of care and love that you internet at our fingertips 24/7. for another time.
have for your loved ones? That
feeling is good and pure, it’s the How does any of this do with being Today, the life insurance industry
feeling we get when our spouse or selfish? I’m sure you’re asking is becoming more efficient. What
partner hold us in their arms, holds yourself, “Where is he going with do I mean? What if you were in a
our hands, or strokes our hair. Or this”? negative life event? What if you
the love you have for your child, lived through a negative life event
wanting nothing but the best, or I talk about the phone that you could have died from?
doing everything in your power scenario because it is a perfect What if you had access to your
to protect them. Do you feel all representation of how business life insurance face value to help
warm and cozy inside? No! and industries are changing. They you heal and recover from that
are constantly looking for more negative life event?
Don’t worry, I’m not surprised, efficient ways to accomplish goals
because after all we are human, and conduct business. Efficiency