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These are the questions the Her son, who I happened to know, out on his new path in the financial
industry started to ask itself. started to get worried about his services industry. He now focuses on
mother’s financial house and was protecting individuals and families
The industry stopped and looked concerned that the walls were with Living Benefits. Financial
around, and about 20 years ago going to cave in and collapse. education is the backbone and
they realized a way to become As the bills piled up higher and purpose to his business. He values
more efficient. They came up with higher, he became more and more himself as a resource not only to
the concept of Living Benefits. anxious. The thought of his mother clients, but as a member of the
losing her house was eating at him
The real name of these benefits so badly that he couldn’t sleep. community as well.
is called an Accelerated Benefit He had enough and finally talked
Rider, or ABR for short. They knew to his mother. After explaining He is a loving husband and caring
they were on the hook to pay out his concerns, she looked at him father to an amazing son. He
the policy at the time of death, so for what seemed like an eternity is an avid fisherman and loves
why not make the funds available and then smiled. She said there is woodworking in his spare time. He
to the insured should they have nothing worry about and the son volunteers as a scout leader in his
lived through a life event they had a confused look on her face. son’s Cub Scouts group. He coaches
could have died from. youth soccer for his son’s teams,
The retired school teacher went helping the youth understand
Brilliant! Finally, we have a tool to on to tell her son about how she
help us navigate through life. was fortunate enough to have the importance of teamwork and
sportsmanship. Micah and his family
I knew who was a retired school met a man that introduced her to moved to Arizona from Colorado
teacher and a widow. She had a something called Living Benefits. almost 2 years ago.
small pension payment of $2900/ She knew that she had access to
month that she lived off of, but she those benefits to help pay the
still had a mortgage payment of medical bills that had piled up and
$1500 a month. Then three years kept her financial house intact.
after her husband had passed,
she went in for a routine checkup I share that story with you because
and the doctor found some it shows us the impact of those
polyps. They were cancerous, but benefits and how it changed the
fortunately, the doctor was able to family dynamic in a positive way.
perform surgery and remove the It teaches us how we can use
polyps. efficient tools to help us navigate
life’s curve balls.
Two years later, the retired school
teacher wasn’t feeling very well And lastly, deep down, we get to
and had tremendous pain in her be a little selfish and protect what
abdomen. After going to the is most important to us all.
emergency room, the doctors
found that she had liver cancer. Micah Watkins has been serving
Unfortunately, this time surgery people his entire career. Coming
wasn’t an option. The option now from the hospitality industry as a
was to be on chemotherapy and chef and leader for over 20 years,
radiation. So, the retired school he found a new passion to better
teacher went to battle to fight this serve people. After going through
new cancer, and the bills started to some personal life events, he set
come in.