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5 Knife Tips For The
Aspiring Cook
by Sandra Fischer, Your Kitchen Guru
When it comes to cooking, we all know that knives are key to
getting the job done fast, safe, and easy. The tools you use are
critical to making your experience either enjoyable or just a job
to get fed. Here are 5 tips to enhance your cooking experience:
1. Use the right knife for the rarely sold today), should not go in your counters. If you are at risk for
right job. Each knife has a purpose. the dishwasher because the handles cancer, then be certain to buy one
A cleaver is too heavy for dicing will deteriorate faster. They also that does NOT contain biphenyl
tomatoes and a paring knife is retain all odors regardless of what A (BPA), as studies have shown it
too short and too light for cutting you wash them with, so they are to cause cancer. BPA is commonly
through the joints of a chicken. unsanitary. Plastic handles are more used in many plastic cutting boards
Knowing the uses of your knives likely to do fine in the dishwasher, on the market today.
makes the prep work easier and you but the softer plastic will cause it
will be more pleased with the result. to melt from the high temperature
used in the dishwasher. As for the Sandra grew up in Minneapolis, MN,
2. Keep them sharp. A dull blade, the higher the quality of but left to live in warmer weather.
knife is dangerous because you will steel, the less likely it will rust while She met and married her husband,
use more pressure to cut. A sharp sitting in the dishwasher. Regardless Michael in Arizona 31 years ago. They
knife will provide control and go of the quality of your knives, water have one son, currently serving in the
through your food much easier. spots are most likely to occur in the Army. They also have five cats.
dishwasher, so to avoid that you
3. Store them properly. Never must hand wash your knives.
just throw your knives loose in a Sandra was a legal secretary for 23
drawer. The chances of you cutting 5. Why your cutting boards years prior to going into business. She
yourself when looking for the right matter. What you cut on is as first sold a line of jewelry, but has been
knife is high. Further, knives dull important as what you cut with. with Cutco since February 2012. She
faster when scraping against the Wooden cutting boards, regardless is focused on their events and gifts
other knives and the sides of the of what you wash them with, divisions. She believes in providing
drawer. There are many options will retain all odors, so they are high quality service and products,
out there for properly storing your unsanitary. Very thin, plastic cutting which is why she is partnered with
knives, so choose what suits you boards will dull your knives faster Cutco.
best. because they do not protect your
knives from the surface you are
4. Hand wash vs. dishwasher. cutting on, especially if your counter
This is mainly a choice depending on is a hard surface like granite (which 480.234.1658
the brand you own and the material is common in today’s kitchens).
used to construct your knife and Finally, thick, plastic cutting boards
handle. Wooden handles (though (1” or more) protect your knives and