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The Best Ways To Make
Passive Income Right Now
by Brian K. Wright
I had the honor of interviewing Doug Vermeeren. We talked about what passive income is and the best
ways to create it right now.
Brian: Let’s dive a little bit into Brian: Some of those people is susceptible to marketplace
your background. I know you read include Richard Branson, Donald changes. Things are changing
Think and Grow Rich when you Trump, Oprah, Bill Gates, Warren online at 90 miles an hour, and
were 19, how did that change your Buffett, and many more. You really even people who are making $1
life? have connected with the top of million dollars a month online need
the top. to keep up with the times or very
Doug: I was raised in an soon they’re going to be obsolete.
environment where my family Let’s talk about making passive or
wasn’t entrepreneurial. There leveraged income. Money Magazine The other thing to remember
was no real exposure to personal says that you are the number one is that the phrase itself, passive
development or any of the ideas passive money coach in the world. income, is incorrect. It sounds
that lead to wealth. My family Let’s discuss what passive income like it’s a passive lifestyle that
was stuck in the poverty pattern, is and what it’s not because people precedes the income and makes it
which means if you want more have misconceptions about that. sound like it’s a free ride. The truth
money, you put in more hours. You is, anything passive requires an
just work harder. Doug: Absolutely. A lot of people active beginning, and it should be
think that passive income is a new written the other way. It should be
When I read Think and Grow Rich, it thing because we can make money income before a passive lifestyle. It
rocked my world, but the thing that online and that’s passive. But should be written income passive,
I realized is that my environment passive income has existed since not passive income.
created my standards and beliefs the beginning of time, and maybe Brian: Right.
in what was possible. In order to one of the reasons they rated me
level up in my life, I realized that as the number one passive income Doug: You need to have systems
I had to start learning from some coach is because I believe that and strategies in place, and there
of the world’s top achievers and having offline income streams is are only two ways to create
also surround myself with them. essential. systems, and that’s to either
Once I had read the book, I started automate it or to delegate it. So,
reaching out to see who I could Income on the internet is one way when I’m building these income
learn from, and that ultimately led to do it, but unless you balance streams, I ask,“How I can automate
to visits with more than 400 of the online and offline, you’re always or delegate”?
world’s top achievers. going to have a portfolio that