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It Takes More Than Positive

                                                       Thinking To Be Successful

                                                       As An Entrepreneur

                                                                                           by Lisa C. King

        This year has been a year like no other. Many describe this year as depressing and anger-inducing as your
        business has slowed or even stopped. The words you say and the actions you take pivot your business into
        success or nonexistence. There are profitable habits that get you closer to your goals, and actions that get
        you nowhere. Learning that words and actions are at the core of your business journey early on, supports a
        successful mindset to become and stay a profitable entrepreneur.

        Word Choice                          Understanding Profitable Action      Profitable action in your business is
                                                                                  something  that  is  easily  overtaken
        The words we choose to attach to  Just      as   words    describe   an  by other circumstances that pop up.
        a situation are the feelings we will  experience,  actions  support  the  Planning  your  projected  activities
        carry  with  us.  Think  of  how  you  feeling  of  the  experience.  We  tell  the night before is a way to set the
        have  expressed  how  this  year  has  ourselves,  “If  I  am  busy  all  day  at  foundation for a productive day. In
        driven  you  crazy.  Do  you  feel  a  work, than I am doing what needs  order to analyze where you are at
        knot in your stomach and hold your  to be done to be successful”.         in your business, I suggest printing
        breath?                                                                   a    week-at-a-glance     calendar
                                             Entrepreneurs, this is NOT TRUE!     with  30-minute  time  slots  (one
        Some words have a familiar feeling                                        is  available  on  my  website  under
        because  you  have  experienced  Please hear me loud and clear, “Small  RESOURCES).  Writing  everything
        them in the past. When you express  business owners do more than just  out rather than keeping it on your
        your feelings with negative words,  stay  busy”.  At  least  you  should  if  phone,  at  least  for  a  few  weeks,
        you  attach  that  feeling  to  the  you  want  your  business  to  thrive  trains  your  mind  to  view  actions
        experience.  Now  what  if  we  used  and keep yourself sane. You are the  that  benefit  or  take  away  from
        the  word  “different”  to  describe  owner,  marketer,  accountant,  sales  your  goals.  Include  personal  and
        your  experience?  “It  is  a  different  rep,  janitor  and  more.  So,  while  work tasks to get a full view of how
        year  with  experiences  that  I  had  you are waiting for the next client  you  can  best  organize  your  day:
        only  dreamed  of,  like  stopping  the  playing  games  on  the  computer,  exercise, client appointments, social
        rush  of  the  work  week,  spending  scrolling through FB posts, doodling  media  posts,  accounting,  daily
        time at home with family, and having  on a sheet of paper, or rearranging  intentions,  and  gratitude.  Do  not
        time  for  personal  endeavors  like  your  office  for  the  50th  time,  you  forget to include your wins from the
        never  before”.  Does  the  sentence,  are doing busywork. This busy-ness  day  because  they  stimulate  more
        “It has been a different year”, evoke  sidetracks  you  from  action  that  is  successful actions needed to drive
        a feeling of choice?                 profitable to your business.         your  business  forward—wins  like
                                                                                  getting a new client, filing receipts,
                                                                                  or  making  phone  calls  you  usually
                                                                                  put off.

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