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But the guys who believed in me people really need to find me for You can also find Drive Friendly
and gave me the lines of credit that something, I’m around all the time. at 1580 AM Saturday mornings,
I needed and took my payments, I 10:00 AM, or you can go to
have been fiercely loyal to them. Brian: Fantastic. What is your or https://
I want the best parts for the best customer service philosophy? You
price, with the best guarantee. can also follow us Facebook Live
Steve: People before profits. The on Saturday mornings. We record
Brian: What’s the biggest thing real philosophy is do the right the show now because the studio
that differentiates you from other thing. Tell the customer the truth. was closed with COVID.
auto shops? We’ll tell you whether it’s going
to be expensive or cheap, but we Brian: Thank you so much for
Steve: Transparency. If something won’t go through the motions just being here, Steve.
is wrong with your car, we have to make money.
technology where we have The President and CEO of Friendly
pictures that get sent to your Brian: Tell us a little bit about your Auto Centers, Steve Rozansky
email and to your phone, we have podcast, Drive Friendly. started working in the industry in
videos, we’ll take scope readings his teens, learning the ins and outs
and download them to you. We Steve: It’s a collaboration with me of automotive care at the hands of
save every single old part. And if and my wife. I like to talk about
you want to see it, we will come car advice and it’s not for the some of the best mechanics in the
pick you up and bring you back to gain of business, it’s for the giving business.
the shop so you could see it. of knowledge where I can make
people smarter. For the past 40 years, he has been
We have six loaner cars in our a certified automotive technician,
fleet. So, if you don’t have a car We offer a lot of information from an industry designation from the
or you’re unable to rent one, or different guests, and they’re rarely National Institute for Automotive
you only have a single car, not a automotive related. Service Excellence that recognizes
problem. We have a car of every excellence in the field.
single type for everybody. We pick Last week we had a guy who’s a
up, deliver, and we’re a AAA shop, new personal trainer. He got a By 1994, Rozansky was ready to
meaning we have a nationwide phone call off the show because go into business for himself. Under
warranty. the caller wanted to go to a place his leadership, Family Auto Service
that’s not intimidating. And what’s
And a live person will answer less intimidating than a guy who’s became part of the NAPA Auto
your phone call. And if it’s a real just starting out his career and a Care Centers system, a network of
emergency where maybe one of new business? more than 9,600 affiliated parts
my customers had an accident, and repair companies committed
we’re the only connected shop We talk about things nobody else to providing customers with quality
in Arizona. We can use a dongle, wants to talk about like extended parts and repairs. “This brought us
which plugs into your diagnostic warranties, title loans, or instant to a totally new level of business,”
connector. This way if your check credit financing. We want people says Rozansky, reflecting on his
engine light comes on, we’re to know what to expect when decision to become part of the NAPA
notified about it. dealing with the repair industry so network.
they don’t get ripped off.
If your airbag is deployed, it’ll
notify whoever is on your app plus Brian: How can we find your Rozansky moved to Arizona in 2014
myself. The airbag alert goes right podcast and how can we find you? and opened Friendly Auto Centers,
to my cell phone and we’ll know the leading auto repair shop in Mesa.
about it before the police do. Steve: We’re at 5026 East
Main Street, which is just west
We don’t talk about it a lot of highly, and our website is
but that’s something we do. If