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The basics of passive income are  that you’re looking to create, you  go to ten figures in a hurry. Now
        be  prepared  to  do  the work,  but  look  for  the  low-hanging  fruit  remember,  I  did  my  first  seven
        use  systems  that  will  pay  you  that really corresponds with your  figures  inside  of  six  months,  so
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        being online.                                                             want  that  book, just  go to www.
                                             Brian:  Which  of  those  five  areas  PassiveIncomeMillionaireBook.
        Brian:  Is  this  as  hard to  do  as  are your favorites?                com and it’s available for you right
        people think it is?                                                       now.
                                             Doug:  I’ve  made  money  in  all
        Doug:  No.  It’s  like  anything  else.  of  them,  but  my  favorite  and  Brian:  Doug, thank you for being
        There’s  a  certain  level  of  self-  the one that I love to coach  here. This was amazing!
        discipline   and    understanding  other  people  on  is  business  and
        that’s  required  to  create  these  entrepreneurship. The reason I feel   Over  the  last  two  decades,  Doug
        things in the outset, and you need  so  comfortable  there  is  because   Vermeeren has conducted extensive
        to understand techniques on how  when  I  interviewed  the  400  top      first-hand research into the lives of
        money is really made.                achievers, most of them had made
                                             their money in the areas of business   the  world’s  top  achievers.  He  has
        There  are  five  areas:  business,  and entrepreneurship. I got some     learned the success strategies of top
        real  estate,  investing,  intellectual  effective mentorship from people  business leaders from Nike, Reebok,
        property,    or    through    your  that  have  created  billion-dollar  Fruit  of  the  Loom,  FedEx,  KFC,
        networks.  When  you  understand  brands that everybody knows.            United  Airlines,  Microsoft,  Disney
        how passive income can be made                                            and many more. ABC television and
        in each of these areas, that’s when  Having  said  that,  I  also  enjoy
        you  start  to  explode what you’re  intellectual  property,  as  well  as   FOX  Business  refer  to  him  as  the
        doing.  I  think  reason  why  most  learning  how  to  make  money       modern-day Napoleon Hill.
        people don’t have passive income  through  networking,  which  most
        is that they only way know how to  people aren’t aware.                   In addition, he is the producer and
        create income is through trading                                          director of 3 out of top 10 personal
        time  for  money.  They  look  at  In fact, I actually made $400,000 in   development movies ever made. He is
        money from a transactional point  an hour once with none of my own        the producer of The Opus (featuring
        of view,  not  from  an  exponential  money through using my networks.
        point of view.                       That  was  simply  by  introducing   Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen,
                                             entrepreneurs who needed money       Joe  Vitale,  John  Demartini,  and
        Brian:  That’s interesting. How do  to  people  who  had  money  and  others.)  The  Gratitude  Experiment
        you pick one?                        taking  a  cut  from  both  sides.  So,  (Bob Proctor, Marie Diamond, John
                                             there’s a lot of creative ways, and   Demartini,  John  Gray)  and  The
        Doug:  With those five areas that  I  think  that  this  is  an  important   Treasure Map  (John  Demartini,
        I  mentioned,  some  of  these  are  principle here, is that resources—
        going to be stronger for you than  meaning money—always follows           Marshall Sylver, Randy Gage.)
        others will be. In fact, a student of  resourcefulness. The ideas always
        mine who was very strong in real  precede the income. People often  He  is  also  the  producer  of  How
        estate  realized  he  was  a  people  think that they need money before  Thoughts  Become  Things  which  is
        pleaser and had a hard time asking  they can implement ideas.             billed as a sequel to The Secret.
        for rent if people had problems. He
        found after taking a test that we  Collaboration is the new economy.
        offer  our  students  that  investing  There are so many people that you   He  has  authored  3  books  in  the
        was a better suited area for him to  can  partner  with,  even  without   Guerrilla  Marketing  series  and  is
        be in.                               money,  to  create  powerful  tools   creator  of  PERSONAL  POWER
                                             and enterprises.                     MASTERY, which is rated one of the
        Warren     Buffett    once    said,                                       top personal development programs
        “Business is not like the Olympics.  That’s the best advice. I’ve actually   in  the  world  providing  powerful
        You  don’t  get  extra  points  for  got a book that a person can get     tools to companies, individuals, and
        making a higher high jump or doing  access  to  for  maybe  $6  online
        a race faster.” The key is, with any  called Passive Income Millionaire,   students.
        kind of business or passive income  that  unfolds  seven  principles  to

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