Page 24 - March 2023
P. 24

What?  Didn’t  you  just  point  out  that  anger
                                                                can hurt me and my family?

                                                                Yes,  but  I’m  not  saying,  “don’t  do  anything
                                                                about your anger.” I’m saying “managing your
                                                                anger” is not the way to go.

                                                                What  you  really  want  is  to  be  free  of  your
                                                                anger  issues.  You  want  to  stop  getting
                                                                angry,  so  your  spouse  and  kids  are  less
                                                                frightened  and  feel  safer  and  more  loving
                                                                around you.
            It’s not easy being a good husband and a good       You can do this, but it takes going after the

                      By Dr. Mort Orman, M.D.

            dad these days. So it’s no wonder husbands and      causes of your anger, not just the symptoms.
            dads get angry from time to time.
                                                                And by causes, I don’t mean the behaviors of
                                                                others. I mean the causes within you that are
            Most  of  us  don’t  want  to  be  angry,  however.
            Especially not on a regular basis.                  generating your angry feelings.
                                                                These  are  specific  thoughts  and  behaviors
            First,  being  angry  doesn’t  make  us  feel  good
            about ourselves.                                    that automatically get triggered within you.
                                                                In my 20’s and 30’s I was a very angry guy.
            Second,  we  don’t  like  losing  our  cool  and  not
            being in control of our emotions.                   Think  John  McEnroe.  I  would  routinely  get
                                                                angry  at  my  patients,  parents,  sister,  and
                                                                girlfriends.   I   tried   all   of   the   anger
            Third,  we  know  anger  outbursts  don’t  make  our
            wives or kids feel happy or secure.                 management  strategies,  but  none  of  them
                                                                helped.  I  even  went  into  therapy  for  several
                                                                years.    But  when  I  stopped,  I  was  still  an
            And lastly, we know anger can be harmful—to our
            health, our marriage, and our children.             angry guy.
                                                                Then, I finally figured out how to identify and
            So what is a modern-day husband and father to
            do?                                                 deal with the internal causes of my anger.
                                                                And for the past 40 years, I’ve had very little
                                                                anger in my life. I’ve also helped many others
            Just  ignore  his  angry  feelings  or  put  up  with  to   have   similar    personal     anger
            them hoping for the best? Confide in friends or
            join  a  support  group?  Read  some  anger         breakthroughs.
            management      books?    Enroll   in   an   anger
            management program?                                 It’s  not  hard  to  do.  I’ve  got  a  short-term
                                                                anger elimination program called “Not Angry
                                                                Anymore”    that   you   can   join.   Go   to
            Most of these strategies don’t produce lasting  to  find  out
            change  which  is  why  I  suggest  “not  managing
            your anger.”                                        more.
                                                                Getting at the root causes of your anger is
                                                                far superior to managing it.

                                                                Guys  like  to  be  winners.  So  if  you  want  to
                                                                finally win against anger, this is the very best
                                                                way to go.

                                                         Dr. Mort Orman, MD,  Free Yourself From Anger And Stress
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