Page 23 - March 2023
P. 23

By Craig Darling

            Networking is not just about making connections
            and  generating  business  opportunities.  It  can
            also  build  community,  benefiting  individuals  and
            the wider community.

            Community building is the act of bringing people
            together and fostering a sense of belonging and
            shared  purpose.  It  can  take  many  forms,  from  Fostering of relationships and trust
            informal  gatherings  to  more  structured  events,  Networking  can  lead  to  the  fostering  of
            and can be done online and offline.                  relationships and trust. When individuals get

            When  networking  is  done  with  the  intention  of  to know each other through networking, they
                                                                 are  more  likely  to  build  trust  and  rapport.
            community building, it can create a ripple effect    This can create a sense of community based
            that benefits everyone involved. Here are some       on shared values and goals. When individuals
            of  the  ways  that  networking  can  lead  to       trust and respect each other, they are more
            community building and the benefits that result:     likely  to  work  together  to  achieve  common
            Sharing of knowledge and resources                   goals.
            Networking is all about making connections and       Creation of shared experiences
            building  relationships.  When  done  with  the      Networking  can  lead  to  the  creation  of
            intention   of   community     building,   these     shared  experiences.  When  individuals  come
            connections  can  lead  to  the  sharing  of         together  for  a  common  purpose,  they  often
            knowledge  and  resources.  By  pooling  their       have  experiences  that  are  unique  to  that
            knowledge  and  resources,  individuals  can  help   group.  These  experiences  can  create  a
            each  other  to  achieve  their  goals  more         sense  of  camaraderie  and  community  that
            efficiently  and  effectively.  This  can  benefit  not  lasts  long  after  the  event.  By  creating
            just  the  individuals  involved  but  also  the  wider  shared  experiences,  networking  can  help
                                                                 build a strong community.
            Increased social capital                             Positive impact on mental health
            Networking can increase social capital, which is     Networking  can  lead  to  the  creation  of
            the  value  of  social  networks  and  relationships.  shared  experiences.  When  individuals  come
            When individuals are well-connected and have a       together  for  a  common  purpose,  they  often
            strong  social  network,  they  are  more  likely  to  have  experiences  that  are  unique  to  that
            have  access  to  resources  and  opportunities.     group.  These  experiences  can  create  a
            This  can  also  benefit  the  wider  community,  as  sense  of  camaraderie  and  community  that
            individuals  with  high  social  capital  are  often  lasts  long  after  the  event.  By  creating
            better   equipped   to   give   back   to   their    shared  experiences,  networking  can  help
                                                                 build a strong community.
            Fostering of relationships and trust                 In  conclusion,  networking  can  be  a  powerful
            Networking  can  lead  to  the  fostering  of        tool for community building. When individuals
            relationships and trust. When individuals get to     come  together  to  build  a  community,  they
            know  each  other  through  networking,  they  are   can   share   knowledge     and   resources,
            more  likely  to  build  trust  and  rapport.  This  can  increase  social  capital,  foster  relationships
            create  a  sense  of  community  based  on  shared   and  trust,  create  shared  experiences,  and
            values  and  goals.  When  individuals  trust  and   positively   impact   mental    health.   By
            respect each other, they are more likely to work     networking  to  build  a  strong  and  inclusive
            together to achieve common goals.                    community,     individuals    can    benefit
                                                                 themselves and the wider community.
             Craig Darling, Darling Local, Inc.
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