Page 19 - March 2023
P. 19

Starting  at  the  top,  visualize  your  breath  Stop and take stock for yourself, what does it
             blowing through your brain, clearing out all the  feel  like  when  YOU  have  clarity  in  your
             clutter, distractions, and shiny objects. When    Heartset?
             my  Headset  is  clear,  I  feel  a  subtle  tingling
             that starts in the middle of my forehead and      Continuing  through  the  process  of  breathing,
             moves to the temples then down the sides of       move your attention to your gut. This magical
             my neck to my shoulders.                          place  that  holds  all  your  intuition,  all  the
                                                               observations  your  subconscious  mind  has
             That’s me. What about you? It could feel like     made  since  the  beginning  of  time.  As  you
             tingling  scalp  or  other  tinglings;  when  the  breathe into this space, visualize erasing the
             inner   dialog    stops     pestering    you;     whiteboard  of  your  mind,  or  a  waterfall
             goosebumps; calm; you feel ready to move on       washing  all  the  crap  from  your  body  that’s
             to  other  questions  in  your  life  and  business;  holding  you  back,  leaving  you  cleaned  and
             satisfaction and a sense of “Oh, I get it now!”;     ignited to act.
             commitment  to  move  forward  even  knowing
             you could decide to change course later on; or    When my Gutset is clear, I feel like I’m wearing
             you  feel  ready  to  disclose  your  decisions  to  a  warm,  soft  hoodie,  or  there  is  a  tingling  on
             others.                                           the tops of my thighs, or I suddenly visualize
                                                               myself standing up and doing something with
             Stop and notice for yourself, what does it feel   ease and grace. What about you?
             like when YOU have clarity in your Headset?
                                                               Some feelings you could have as your Gutset
             Continuing through the process of breathing,      is  cleared  include  an  urge  to  get  up  and  get
             move  your  attention  to  your  heart,  your     moving;  being  powerful,  as  though  you  can
             innermost  desires,  and  your  guiding  values.  achieve   anything   you   attempt;   muscle
             Breathe  into  your  heart,  clearing  out  all  the  twinges, as though the body is flexing without
             gunk  of  anger,  frustration,  and  fear  and    pain;  warmth  in  the  solar  plexus  as  if  your
             replacing  it  all  with  love.  Love  for  yourself  heart is beating stronger; and fidgety fingers,
             exactly as you are right now, love for others,    as you no longer want to be still, you know it’s
             and  love  for  who  you  are  meant  to  be.  Tap  time to act.
             into  that  love  and  feel  into  your  values,
             accept yourself, and what is driving you.         What does it feel like when YOU have clarity in
                                                               your Gutset?
             When  my  Heartset  is  clear,  I  feel  absolutely
             calm,  as  though  nothing  could  ruffle  me  up.  I  Now  that  you’re  cleared  of  all  that  “noise”,
             have patience with myself and others without      take  time  to  consider  your  goals,  your  path
             any frustration. All the world looks wonderful    and your choices. Make sure that you run them
             to me. Again, that’s me. What about you?          through  the  clarity  filter  of  mind,  heart  and
                                                               gut. Do this every day. As you do, you’ll find it
             Some  possible  feelings  you  may  have  when    easy  to  make  your  daily  decisions,  you’ll  see
             your  heartset  is  clear  include  a  feeling  of  your way around the obstacles and challenges
             comfort;  warm  and  fuzzy  relaxation  around    in your way, and you’ll be able to move forward
             your  shoulders,  chest,  and  back;  security,  no  with  passion  and  a  distinct  “knowing”  that
             fear of moving forward even if you decide to      you’re on the right path.
             scrap  the  effort  and  start  again;  the
             knowledge that you will be okay; grounded, as
             if  you  are  connected  to  the  earth  from  your
             knees to your toes; tingling or warmth in the
             toes;  and  happy,  as  though  you  have  just
             received a present you really wanted.

            Angel Marie Monachelli, Lightworkers Gifts
                                   iNETrepreneur Magazine | Page 19
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