Page 16 - March 2023
P. 16

Emotional  poverty  can  start  in  various  ways,
                                                               but  it  often  stems  from  early  childhood
                                                               experiences  and  societal  messages  about
                                                               money  and  success.  Growing  up,  many
                                                               individuals may have absorbed limiting beliefs
                                                               about their financial worth or abilities, and may
                                                               have  witnessed  financial  stress  and  struggle
                                                               in  their  families.  These  negative  feelings  can
                                                               imprint  on  the  subconscious  and  form
                                                               patterns  that  keep  repeating  the  cycle  of
                                                               emotional  poverty.  Negative  messages  and
                                                               stereotypes  surrounding  money  can  lead  to
                                                               feelings  of  shame  or  guilt,  causing  one  to
                                                               believe  that  they  are  not  good  enough.  This
                        By Dawna   Campbell                    internalized  shame  and  guilt  can  manifest  in

             Money  and  emotions  are  closely  intertwined   various  ways,  such  as  compulsive  spending,
                                                               self-sabotage, or fear of investing in oneself.
             and  when  the  relationship  between  the  two   To  truly  break  free  from  this  cycle,  it  is
             are negative, it can lead to emotional poverty.   important  to  address  and  transform  the
             Emotional poverty is a feeling of inadequacy,     underlying beliefs and emotions that drive it.
             anxiety, and shame around money, regardless
             of  how  much  money  you  have.  People  who
             experience emotional poverty often feel that      Money Anxiety
             they  are  not  good  enough,  smart  enough,  or  Money  anxiety  is  a  common  experience  for
             deserving    enough    to    have    financial    many people. This can manifest as feelings of
             success.This  negative  self-talk  and  self-     stress, worry, or fear when it comes to money.
             doubt can be damaging to their mental health      For  some,  this  may  mean  avoiding  financial
             and  financial  well-being.  When  people  feel   obligations all together, or obsess over every
             emotionally  poor,  they  might  avoid  taking    financial  decision.    When  money  anxiety
             risks,  feel  powerless  to  make  positive       becomes  chronic,  it  can  be  difficult  to
             changes,  and  experience  anxiety,  and  stress  transform the cycle of stress and worry. This
             around money.                                     anxiety  can  also  lead  to  a  lack  of  financial

                                                               Money  anxiety  can  impact  every  aspect  of  a
                                                               person’s  life,  from  their  relationship  to  their
                                                               ability  to  reach  goals  and  aspirations.  It  can
                                                               be  especially  challenging  for  those  who  live
                                                               paycheck  to  paycheck  or  those  who  struggle
                                                               to make ends meet. Anxiety leads to feelings
                                                               of  insecurity,  shame,  and  self-doubt,  which
                                                               then fuels the negative cycle around negative
                                                               thoughts,  behaviors,  and  feelings  around
                                                               money.Chronic  money  anxiety  can  also  result
                                                               in  procrastination,  avoidance,  and  self-
                                                               sabotage that can prevent you from achieving
                                                               financial  stability,  abundance,  and  prosperity.
                                                               Money anxiety can escalate into mental health
                                                               issues,  such  as  depression  and  anxiety

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