Page 12 - March 2023
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That  meeting  the  stranger  formula  has
                                                                served  me  well  for  35  years.  I  then  added
                                                                another that puts the pieces together.

                                                                The  5  Cs  are  what  build  relationships.
                                                                Commonalities,       Communicating       the
                                                                commonalities,    Committing    to   working
                                                                together,  Contributing  to  that  relationship,
                                                                and  when  done  without  judgement  and
                                                                maintaining    your    expertise   we    get
                                                                Collaboration  –  the  GLOW  Guided  Love  of
             My entire life I’ve collected people as resources  Wholeness.

                            By Jaclyn Zoccoli
             questioning who’s next for them. Even as a small   After  that  the  uniqueness  of  each  alliance
             child I was always curious about jobs people had   drives the relationship to grow. Differences
             and what or who might assist them. The logic of    are  used  as  tools  to  build  completeness.
             that  early  training  makes  sense  that  I  am  a  Let’s  say  a  coach  is  a  substance  abuse
             Catalyst  for  Spontaneous  Combustion.  Yes,  I   coach.  She  may  not  have  someone  to  then
             ignite  two  simmering  sparks  to  cause  an      take  her  clients  to  new  careers,  or  an
             amazing  display  of  brilliance.  I  love  it,  and  I  assessment  tool  to  see  that  person’s
             assumed everyone did it. First error!              strengths. Then another coach joins her and
                                                                provides that piece of the puzzle. They work
             As  I  began  my  first  business  in  Desktop     as a team, one unit. That is collaboration.
             Publishing  it  became  very  obvious  that  the
             business  people  around  me  had  no  clue  how  to  When  I  spent  time  convincing  business
             build  relationships.  I  felt  pressured  to  buy  their  owners to repurpose their clients instead as
             services, too expensive. I came up with several    a customer, alliances, they loved it. The only
             perspectives that have now shaped the LinkedIn     downside was that their databases were in a
             & Global Collaborator title I have.                shoebox. I then turned to LinkedIn with 857
                                                                million members. The pandemic helped me a
             Each  person  has  an  expertise  and  a  need.    lot here. People went to virtual everything.
             Because  of  that  I  can  help  them.  That  help
             comes  as  giving  them  people  to  move  them    Then  the  next  challenge  appeared.  People
             forward. No expense to me. And their gain is far   were  frustrated  because  LinkedIn  was  so
             more  than  me  as  a  customer.  Those  people  I  massive,  so  many  tools,  how  to  actually
             offer  become  alliances,  and  in  turn  bring  a  lot  harness  them  and  be  profitable?  Enter
             more customers because they are targeting the      “Leveraging Alliances”. I provide a
             same  audience.  So,  when  that  audience  hears        LinkedIn Made ProfitableTM
             how  wonderful  you  are,  Word-of-Mouth  begins.  package  that  makes  over  the  Profile  then
             Word-of-Mouth  is  the  most  valuable  asset  to  with a Pursuit teaches people how to locate
             selling  products.  I  never  once  think  about  how  and  engage  alliances  in  LinkedIn.  Alliances
             they can help or assist me.                        are  intentionally  located  because  they  see
                                                                the  prospective  customer.  LinkedIn  is
                                                 '              delighted  to  give  many  ways  to  find  those
                                                                people,  it  is  important  to  clearly  know  who
                                                                you  want.  Enter  the  “Chaos  to  Clarity”
                                                                complimentary  zoom  session  I  offer.  Here
                                                                we uncover your best alliances together.

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