Page 8 - March 2023
P. 8
By Angel Marie Monachelli
Have you ever felt like your path to success was
filled with obstacles and challenges? That every In his book The Seven Spiritual Laws of
way you look, there is something in your way
holding you back from the success that you want Success, Deepak Chopra explains that the
and deserve? Do you ever feel like the weight on mind, heart, and gut all have unique and
your shoulders is too heavy to bear, when important roles to play in decision-making
indecision and confusion have you paralyzed, and and action-taking.
you are so stuck and overwhelmed that you
simply do not want to get out of bed? The mind (mindset) is the seat of intellect
and logic, the heart (heartset) is the seat of
On the days that it gets to be too much, do you emotions and intuition, and the gut (gutset)
ever wish for a magic wand that you could wave is the seat of instincts and survival. When all
to make it all disappear to clear your path to three are aligned and working together, a
success? person is better equipped to make well-
informed decisions that are in alignment
Well, you are not the first, nor will you be the last with their purpose and values.
small business owner or entrepreneur to feel
this way. Fortunately, your magic wand is within Before we get too deep into the “how to” of
reach because it lies within you. It is Clarity. The aligning the three elements, let’s take a
clarity of knowing with your entire being that you moment to review what each of these
are on the right path, and nothing can stand in elements are and why each is important to
the way of your success, not even self-doubt. your success.
Think about this, when you’re making a decision, Mindset
do you say to yourself, “I think…”, or maybe, “I
feel”, or “my gut is telling me”? This is exactly Mindset is all that “stuff” in our heads. It is
the problem that we each have to overcome, our beliefs, attitudes, and way we process,
relying on only one aspect of our innate genius: which can shape our thoughts, emotions, and
the mind, the heart, or the gut. behaviors. This includes fears and past
experiences and how we interpret
While each of these elements is an important information. It is how we perceive reality.
factor, each relies on the other two to balance it
in creating a strong foundation for clarity. By Having a positive mindset is a step in the
balancing the three elements of mindset, right direction, as you have probably
heartset and gutset, entrepreneurs can make experienced for yourself. Yet, even with a
decisions that are both intuitive and informed, positive mindset, when we focus on using
while also taking calculated risks and staying the aspect by itself, we will find that the
focused on the long-term vision of the business. challenges we face include:
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