Page 6 - March 2023
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We do this by holding sacred space for trust
                                                               to be developed.

                                                               When  interactions  with  one  another  are
                                                               positive  and  evoke  safety,  the  bonding
                                                               hormone  oxytocin  is  activated.  Oxytocin
                                                               allows us to relax and opens up our prefrontal
                                                               cortex in the brain. This grants us access to
                                                               empathy,     heightened    decision   making,
                                                               creative  capabilities,  and  promotes  the
                                                               seeding of trust.

                                                               Trust  is  the  positive  emotion  that  enables

                          By Danielle Dittberner               connection to develop. Relationship longevity
                                                               and  existence  hinge  on  the  presence  and
             Language is delicate, volatile, and has the power  development  of  trust.  It  serves  as  a  bridge
             to  bring  humans  together,  or  tear  us  apart.  between  the  heart  and  the  mind.  Without
             Words     create     internal   and     external  trust, we have nothing.
             neurochemical    changes    of   the   collective
             consciousness.  They  can  create  worlds.  Worlds  To  prime  conversations  for  trust,  begin  by
             of which we may never discover when “I-Centric”   asking  questions  for  which  you  don’t  have
             lenses  are  worn  and  maintained.  Worlds  which  answers.  Open  ended  questions  evoke
             can  be  abundant,  prosperous,  and  enriched  if  curiosity and provide a space for exploration
             nurtured  by  their  community.  Understanding  the  and  discovery.  Don’t  be  afraid  to  be
             art and neuroscience of conversations is key to   vulnerable,  express  your  emotions,  or  share
             enhancing our evolution.                          your  intentions.  Your  transparency  will
                                                               dismantle any perceived threats and promote
             The  art  of  language  resides  in  emotion.     partnership.
             Emotions  generate  feelings  which  allow  us  to
             comprehend the non-physical. They are the force,    Listen  to  connect  without  judgment  or
             power,  and  vitality  in  the  process  or  act  of  rejection.  Activate  this  skill  with  your  heart,
             moving,  energy  in  motion.  We  engage  with    eyes,  ears,  and  mind.  Listen  to  understand
             emotions  by  either  reacting  or  responding.   and co-create strategies for mutual success.
             Reacting is running on autopilot, subconsciously  What  is  important  to  others?  What  are  you
             recycling  the  energy  received.  Responding  is  able  to  discover  by  “reading  between  the
             maintaining agency over energy and consciously    lines”?  Listen  with  a  positive  lens  of  love.
             interacting with intention and alignment.         Reframe  uncertainty  into  opportunities  and

               Environments  contaminated  with  negative      fear into hope.
             energy  trigger  fear  responses  of  the  amygdala
             and  flood  the  body  with  the  stress  hormone  We  all  live  from  our  own  perception;  refrain
             cortisol.  This  is  why  it's  crucial  to  be  mindful  from  making  assumptions.  When  conflicting
             about  what  we  consume  and  surround  our      beliefs  arise,  what  actions,  thoughts,  or
             physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual spaces  words can bridge your realities? How can you
             with. Our external world acts as a mirror to our  hold  a  compassionate  space,  so  all  parties
             internal.  If  we  want  to  evoke  change,  we  must  are able to speak their truth?
             first   start   from   within.   By   exercising
             responsibility  with  our  words  and  learning  to  If this spoke to you and you'd like to immerse
             reduce the effects of fear, we have the power to  your  life  with  richer  connections,  schedule  a
             create worlds nurtured by love.                   call  with  me.  Let's  co-create  conscious
                                                               conversations, together.

                                                                              Danielle Dittberner,  Reach 4 More
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