Page 7 - March 2023
P. 7

By Craig Bruce
            Do  you  own  YOU  the  way  you  own  the

            In today's fast-paced world, many of us feel the
            stress  of  maintaining  a  busy  and  often  chaotic
            lifestyle.  This  overwhelming  sense  of  “life
            fatigue”  can  have  a  negative  impact  on  our
            health, relationships, and career.
                                                                 Consciousness is who you are being and how
            It’s easy to give into the idea that you must be     you  show  up  every  day.  It  involves  growth,
            ignore the reality – working long hours, achieving   clarity,  and  intention.  It  is  about  identifying
            the  one  that  can  do  it  all,  but  that  leads  us  to
                                                                 your  top  values  and  non-negotiables  and
            big  goals  in  tight  time  frames,  and  pressuring  using  them  as  filters  for  all  your  decisions.
            ourselves to over deliver – until the reality is too  Values  like  your  health,  life  partner,  spouse,
            late.                                                kids, grandkids, or career.

            Ultimately, what many of us want, and need is to     Lifestyle is how you live your life to support
            find harmony within ourselves, our relationships,    your mind and body for longevity. Focusing on
            and career. As crazy as it sounds, these are all     how  you  nourish,  restore  (sleep!)  and  move
            attainable at the same time. In fact, sometimes      your  body  are  key  components  to  IGNITE
            the  smallest  changes  can  have  the  greatest     YOU.  Build  your  morning  &  evening  rituals
            impact.                                              based  on  science  so  that  you  have  greater
                                                                 control over your day. Rituals like:
            After  years  living  this  chaotic  lifestyle,  I  finally
            learned  that  prioritizing  YOU  is  what  ultimately  Hydrate before you caffeinate.
            determines  the  level  of  success  in  your  career   Shut  of  all  electronics  at  least  30
            and personal relationships. YOU are the common          minutes before lights out.
            denominator in all your life experiences.
            Doesn’t it make sense to invest time in YOU?         Finally, Community is the tribe of people you
            After  retiring  from  a  high-pressure  career  in  interact with daily. It is where you belong, can
            Management  Consulting,  I  began  a  journey        be authentic, and where you give and receive
            researching  science-based  solutions  for  the      accountability   so   that   you   co-create
            mind and body.                                       together.  It  requires  being  very  clear  about
                                                                 how  you  interact  with  your  community  and
            I  discovered  that  anyone  could  achieve  even    how your community interacts with you. That
            more in their life without sacrificing their career  means  setting  boundaries  so  that  others
            and    key   relationships.   Through   coaching     know  what's  important  to  YOU.  Thus,
            hundreds  of  high-performing  business  leaders     empowering YOU to take back control.
            and entrepreneurs, I found three key areas that
            are  game  changers  for  guiding  leaders  to  even  Creating  a  life  that  IGNITES  YOU  involves  a
            more success. These key areas are                    focus  on  your  consciousness,  lifestyle,  and
                                                                 community.    This   journey   is   for   high-
                Consciousness                                    performing  business  leaders  who  are  ready
                Lifestyle                                        to  step  into  their  fullest  being  as  humans,
                Community                                        who are ready to be truly fulfilled and aligned
                                                                 in  the  key  aspects  of  their  lives.  Even  the
                                                                 smallest steps can shift your life and health
                                                                 in  ways  you  may  have  never  dreamed
            Craig Bruce, Evolve Health and Lifestyle, LLC
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