Page 9 - March 2023
P. 9

Lack  of  focus:  Without  a  clear  purpose  or  I’m  sure  you’ve  seen  those  who  lead  with
                goals,  mindset  alone  may  not  be  enough  to  their  heart,  offering  a  beautiful  experience.
                help   entrepreneurs     focus   on    what's   However,  if  an  entrepreneur  focuses  solely
                important.                                      on heartset, they may become too emotional
                                                                and make decisions that are not aligned with
                Ignoring  problems:  Relying  on  a  positive   their  long-term  goals  or  the  needs  of  the
                mindset  alone  may  lead  entrepreneurs  to    business.  Some  of  the  challenges  of  acting
                ignore  problems  or  challenges,  rather  than  only from the heart include:
                facing them head-on.
                                                                    Emotional decision-making: Relying solely on

                Unrealistic  expectations: A  positive  mindset     heartset  can  lead  to  emotional  decision-
                alone  may  lead  entrepreneurs  to  have           making,  which  may  not  always  include  facts
                                                                    and reality.
                unrealistic   expectations     or   overlook        Lack  of  objectivity:  A  strong  heartset  can
                important details.

             If  an  entrepreneur  focuses  solely  on  mindset,    sometimes  cloud  judgment  and  prevent
             they  may  become  too  focused  on  positive          entrepreneurs    from    seeing   situations
             thinking  and  overlook  potential  obstacles  and     objectively.
             challenges.   This   can   lead   to   unrealistic
             expectations,  ignoring  important  issues,  and       Over-empathizing:  While  empathy  can  be  a
             making  decisions  that  are  not  in  the  best       strength,   over-empathizing     can    lead
             interest of the business.                              entrepreneurs    to   take   on   too   much
                                                                    responsibility  and  sacrifice  their  own  needs.
             So,  what  else  is  there?  Many  think  that  to  be  Giving  away  the  store  for  free,  without
             successful in business you need to rely on logic       acknowledging the worth of your offerings.
             only, yet how then, do we tap into our values and
             passions?                                          Aligning  the  mind  with  the  heart  allows  you  to
                                                                draw upon your memories, intelligence and logic
            Heartset                                            while  grounding  that  knowledge  in  your  values
                                                                and passion. Yet there’s something still missing,
             Heartset  refers  to  our  emotions  and  our  ability  that   intangible   “gut”   instinct,   something
             to  connect  with  our  feelings.  Our  heartset  can  entrepreneurs (and mama bears) often rely upon,
             impact  our  ability  to  gain  clarity  by  influencing  without really knowing why.
             our intuition and our ability to make choices that
             align  with  our  values  and  purpose.  When  our
             heart is open and in alignment with our goals, we
             can make more intuitive and informed decisions
             that lead to greater clarity.

             Continued on Page 18                                          iNETrepreneur Magazine | Page 9
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