Page 13 - March 2023
P. 13

LinkedIn Focus
            Be  sure  to  post  3  times  a  week.  That’s  all.
            Educational,  Motivational,  Promotional.  Let  us
            assume  you  have  at  least  one  alliance.  One
            person  who  loves  what  you  do,  has  the  same
            target audience, and wants you to choose them
            as well. Here is what to do:

                Be sure you are “connected”, you might start
                with    “following”    though     eventually
                “connected”  This  way  you  can  share  a  lot
                more things.                                        Keep    in   mind   my   LinkedIn   Made
                At  this  point  there  are  two  ways  to  work    ProfitableTM teaches you how to do this.
                together:                                           The  mission  is  to  get  them  to  ENGAGE
                   1. Merely address THEIR connections              with you. That means a zoom or 1/1 call
                       on your own or                               to  discuss  commonalities,  unique  gifts,
                   2. Create a schedule or routine to let           etc.  That  package  I  spoke  of  also  gives
                        google and LinkedIn see you are alliances.  suggestions for the 1/1 questions.
                                                                    What  then?  The  1/1  should  flush  out  if
             Separately Work On Each Other’s Alliances              this is a good fit for being an alliance.
             -First Way                                             Graduate  to  “Leveraging  Alliances  in
                With that one alliance – if you are connected,    Leveraging Alliances Together
                then  go  to  your  “mutual  connections”  (just  – Second Way
                under your name and title area)
                Filter them so they are exactly who you want.    Here is a schedule to do together.
                Though they are “mutual” you might not even         Monday,  Wednesday,  Friday  –  comment
                know  them.  They  slipped  under  the  radar  in   on  each  other’s  posts  –  “like,  comment,
                your “connections”. That’s ok.                      repost”
                In  that  “all  filters”  I  suggest  working       Tuesday  and  Thursday  –  send  them  an
                especially  with  the  “services”  and  the         alliance  you  already  have  “Message”
                “industry” and the “location”. I recommend a        send,  and  then  spotlight  them  in  your
                local at least the state as the location – just     post.
                in case we are able to see each other again.        Then once a month strategize where else
                Better to start at home. Then “Results”.            to  be  together  –  websites,  webinars
                Typically,  you  will  get  thousands.  Any  less   together,  virtual  events.  Introduce  each
                than 100 makes it easier to get to them.            other to your clients, other alliances. The
                Before even considering what to say to them,        list is endless.
                be sure you have a Toolbox ready. What can
                you offer in return so they WANT to work with           This is the tip of the iceberg.
                you? Webinar, a book, a video, a workshop, a       Collaboration multiplies your impact.
                one  sheet,  or  even  your  customers  in                   Let’s do it together.

            Now the fun part comes. What to say to them?
            Here is my Engagement Formula -
                Compliment,  Commonalities,  Collaboration,
            Clients  of  mine  want  you.  You  are  not  selling
            anything to them. You want to work together. It
            kinda sounds like my 5 Cs, doesn’t it? Right on.
            The 5 Cs is exactly how you proceed from here
            Jaclyn Zoccoli, Network Builders Arizona
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