Page 11 - March 2023
P. 11

By Jill Lublin

             Building  a  public  persona  requires  expertise
             which  can  be  perfected  by  positioning  your
             publicity  via  an  intricate  process  that  requires
             patience and persistence. A good introduction to
             the self-promotion of yourself and your products
             or services is to create a memorable sound bite.
             The  key  to  an  attention-grabbing  sound  bite  is
             for it to be creative and unique, but for a sound  Building a public persona also requires you to
             bite to resonate with your consumers it must be    engage  in  public  speaking  through  forums,
             authentic.                                         radio  shows,  television  interviews,  and

             Publicity  in  printed  media  is  as  crucial  in  networking  events.  As  a  rule  of  thumb,  Jill
                                                                recommends  attending  a  minimum  of  four
             positioning  your  public  persona.  Consider      networking  events  around  your  area  on  a
             headlines that would grab the media’s attention    monthly basis. This will give you a chance to
             as  well  as  your  consumers.  Having  an  eye-   build  free  publicity  for  yourself  and  your
             catching  headline  with  important  keywords  will  products or services. However, note that in-
             speak  volumes  and  buy  you  another  twenty     person  publicity  is  only  for  a  short,  limited
             seconds of your consumer’s attention to further    amount    of   time,   therefore,   use   the
             explain yourself. A quick tip: keep press releases  opportunity  to  direct  your  audience  to  your
             concise  and  to  a  single  page  with  incentives  website  or  blog  that  has  promotional
             such  as  free  trials,  discounts,  or  special  offers  materials and active forums.
             to seal the deal.
                                                                A  website  or  blog  with  a  bold  design  that
             Remember  to  be  honest,  authentic,  and  stay   features  unusual  color  combinations  and
             updated with breaking news development that is     typefaces can signify a dynamic, aggressive,
             related to your business. Use this information to  and  vigorous  approach.  Hosting  a  website,
             position yourself in the market and present your   blog,  or  even  a  podcast  will  show  that  you
             story  honestly  and  reasonably.  Make  the  media  are  up  to  date,  innovative,  and  forward-
             outlets your ally with stories that have novelty,  thinking. Furthermore, forums are made up of
             creativity,  and  uniqueness  that  will  appeal  to  relevant  communities  making  them  great
             their  readers,  listeners,  and  viewers.  This  also  places  to  virally  market,  promote,  and
             includes   having   prepared    speeches    and    network.  An  estimated  45  percent  of  the
             responses  for  written  and  spoken  interviews.  world's  population  is  on  social  media.
             Your  responses,  stories,  and  sound  bites  must  Guerrillas  should  utilize  the  tools  social
             be consistent.                                     media has to offer as much as possible.

            Jill Lublin, PR & Publicity Expert
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