Page 21 - March 2023
P. 21

By Lauren Archibeque

            Nice  has  its  own  gravitational  pull.  People  will
            want  to  be  in  your  space  and  they  will  want  to
            help  you  achieve  your  goals.  It’s  like  your  own
            personal version of a spell. There is a reason we
            say  that  a  woman  is  bewitching  or  that  a
            speaker  is  spellbinding.  They  have  that  magic
            ingredient, and they radiate it. In a word, they are
            nice! Nice to be around, nice to listen to and nice
            to interact with. You feel safe in their space.      When  you  are  pleasant,  it  pulls  other  nice
            Being  nice  makes  the  game  of  life  easier.  You   padding of soft places to fall when you are in
                                                                 people into your life. The Universe provides a

            travel  through  life  with  more  grace.  I  love  the  alignment with your purpose and are playing
            definition  in  Gift  from  the  Sea  by  Anne  Morrow  nice with others.
            Lindbergh.  “By  grace  I  mean  an  inner  harmony,
            which can be translated into outward harmony. I      Watch where people tend to gravitate at any
            am seeking perhaps what Socrates asked for in        gathering.  Chances  are  it  is  to  the  person
            a  prayer  when  he  said,  ‘May  the  outward  and  that is smiling and engaged – not to the guy
            inward man be at one.’”                              with  his  arms  crossed  and  a  scowl  on  his
                                                                 face.  Who  is  going  to  get  the  most  out  of
                                                                 the group? It doesn’t matter if it’s a party or
            Calm, cool and collected are words that fit when
            we operate from a space of grace. It is as if all    a  workshop.  We  are  all  looking  for
            things are balanced and smooth. All the moving       connection and learning.
            parts in life ebb and flow with ease when we are
            in a state of grace, whereas when we drop out of     Being  pleasant  can  also  be  profitable.  Not
            that state, things that usually are second nature    that you are nice to manipulate people into
            seem challenging.                                    giving you stuff, but when you are in a place
                                                                 of kindness and acceptance of what is going
                                                                 on, people just naturally want to help you.
            Stress reduction is an automatic result of being
            nice.  When  you  are  supported  by  other  people  There  are  a  multitude  of  ways  to  practice
            who truly want you to succeed, you will find there   nice  in  your  daily  experience:  Smiling  at  a
            are  infinite  ways  to  create  the  life  you  dream  complete   stranger,   listening   with   full
            about.                                               attention  when  your  child  wants  to  talk
                                                                 about  their  day,  genuinely  engaging  that
                                                                 cashier  in  the  supermarket,  displaying
                                                                 patience when the bank teller can’t quite get
                                                                 that  computer  to  cooperate,  saying  thank
                                                                 you  for  small  things  throughout  the  day.
                                                                 These  are  all  simple  acts  and  can  literally
                                                                 change lives – your included.

             Lauren Archibeque, The Growth Company
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