Page 5 - Teaching Brochure 2019_Neat
P. 5

Ideal Teacher

                  1.  An ideal teacher connects to children as human beings. He/she knows each

                      child  intimately  and  extends  a  relationship  to  children  beyond  the  task  of

                      teaching  and  learning  even  when  classrooms  are  overcrowded.  A  culture  of
                      respect, collaboration and acceptance is fostered for all children;

                  2.  An ideal teacher is a role model and he/she subscribes to a pedagogy of care
                      (Nodding,  1988)  because  the  emotional,  physical  and  social  well-being  of

                      children a primary concern (in line with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs) before
                      successful teaching and learning is possible;

                                              An  Ideal  teacher  that  is  needed  in  the  school,  is  one

               that  understands  that  learners  are  human  beings  before  they  are  pupils  and  this
               means that having a teacher that acknowledges that learners, feel,  have emotions

               and  are  not  detached  from  the  dynamics  that  comes  with  being  human  and  this
               would need a teacher that is caring and is open to listening to learners emotional,

               spiritual and physical health as well as what is happening in their lives. This would

               help a great deal to let learners open up and feel safe at school knowing that they
               have someone to talk to and get advice from, when things become difficult because

               then what happens is that you find learners behaviour changing because they are

               going through a bit of a stressful situation but feel like they are alone in that situation
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