Page 6 - Teaching Brochure 2019_Neat
P. 6

3.  An ideal teacher knows that that the work of learning extends outside of the

                      classroom,  that  learners  can  deepen  their  understandings  through  peer
                      sharing, engaging with members of the community and with experts in the field

                      both physically and through technology;
                  4.  An  ideal  teacher  embraces  the  change  4IR  will  bring  into  the  classroom

                      specifically and into life in general. Children are taught adaptive expertise and

                      innovative  approaches  towards  addressing  constant  change.  Effective
                      inclusion  of  AI  and  other  technology  towards  an  evolution  of  learning  is

                      embraced           in         the         classroom           and          beyond.

                                                                     Peer to peer learning is important
                      for  learners  in  terms  of  understanding  and  creating  an  environment  that  is

                      liberating  in  a  sense  where  learners  feel  confident  enough  to  engage  and
                      participate in an on-going discussions in class that their peers will be having

                      which removes a level of hierarchy in the classroom that the teacher is the only
                      one who is superior and holds all the knowledge therefore all the learners have

                      to  do  is  just  take  and  not  become  participants  which  is  mostly  what  is

                      happening because of the level of teaching that is not innovative and is rigid.
                      Learners need to be given a chance to engage with the content how they know

                      best an ideal teacher that will create such a platform even as far as engaging
                      with technology.
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