Page 8 - Teaching Brochure 2019_Neat
P. 8


               In conclusion, it is important as a teacher to understand your role in the classroom

               and  in  society  at  large  and how  you  can  contribute  efficiently  in  ensuring  that the
               process of teaching and learning is advanced because there are so many things to

               consider when attempting to facilitate of teaching and learning because what must
               be  understood first  is that  you  are  then dealing  with  humans  who  carry  the  same

               ontological characteristics of being you carry as a teacher and one needs to be very
               considerate of that as well.

               In addition, this would mean checking and making sure if the learners are in a good

               state  for  the  process  of  teaching  and  learning  to  take  place,  considering  also  the
               community  and  background  the  learners  are  exposed  to  when  they  are  going  at

               home, if they have eaten or whether they are traumatized because of the high level

               of crime and might not be mentally in a position to study so the teacher needs to
               have a certain kind of connection with the learners that will assist in creating such an

               open and respectable environment to feel safe at school and receive guidance given
               that teachers spent most of the day time with learners.

               Furthermore, and ideal teacher that would be needed is one that is really open and

               welcoming to learners and is able to connect with them outside the classroom as to
               also remind them of other relations and challenges in life and really going as far as

               dancing and joking with them which will bring out the best of the learners and allow
               them  to  make  use  of  the  technology  that  is  there  at  school  so  that  they  become

               technological survey given the age of the 4  industrial revolution that is being highly
               discussed and is shaping the world.

               Lastly  it  is  important  to  have  a  relationships  taking  place  between  you  and  your
               colleagues so that that there is cohesion and a culture of working together is there

               which  will  improve  the  relations  and  mood  in  the  school  that  will  be  useful  for
               learners  to  excel  academically  and  will  make  for  interesting  classes  given  that

               collaborative teaching takes place in schools environment.
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