Page 36 - Kingham Hill School Sixth Form Prospectus
P. 36
Course Catalogue A-Z
Trump. Brexit. Catalonia. Whether you support these issues or not, there has never
been a better time to study politics. Global politics is manifestly changing and we are all
eyewitnesses to the history of tomorrow, so pupils should come and book their seat!
A Politics A level allows you to develop your understanding and knowledge of today’s society,
giving you a wide range of opportunities after Sixth Form, including studying undergraduate
degrees in Politics, International Relations, Economics and Law. Alternatively this A level
provides a good foundation for anyone wishing to go into the business, non-profit
or political sector.
Pupils will study:
• UK politics - democracy and participation, political parties, electoral systems, voting
• UK government - the constitution, parliament, the Prime Minister and executive being
• Conservatism, liberalism, nationalism and socialism.
• Comparative Politics - constitution and federalism, congress, the presidency, the
Supreme Court, democracy and participation, civil rights.
Entry requirements:
Grade 6 in GCSE English or History
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