Page 32 - Kingham Hill School Sixth Form Prospectus
P. 32
Course Catalogue A-Z
Performing Arts
The BTEC qualification in Performing Arts provides a natural progression from the practical
components of GCSE Drama and the intermediate levels of the LAMDA examinations.
The course uses a combination of assessment styles to give pupils the confidence they can
then apply to succeed in the workplace - and have the study skills to continue learning on
higher education courses and throughout their career. The range of vocational assessments
- both practical and research-based - means pupils can showcase their learning and
achievements to best effect when they take their next step.
Year 1 - National Certificate
This is worth half an A level.
Unit 1 Investigating Practitioners’ Work
Through practical workshops and individual research, pupils will familiarise themselves with
two different practitioners. They will then need to complete a five week project where they will
demonstrate their knowledge and understanding.
Unit 2 Developing Skills and techniques for live performance
In this unit pupils will focus on performance skills and produce a final performance at the end
of the course. There will be particular focus on practitioners such as Constanin Stanislavski
and Peter Hall as the pupils work within from their ideas and theories in order to perform
their plays on stage. In addition, pupils will also complete a project where they explore the
lifestyle and training of an actor.
Year 2 - National Extended Certificate
This is worth one A level.
Unit 3 Group Performance Workshop
This unit involves the creation, rehearsal and performance of a devised piece. All pupils are
expected to maintain a performer’s log of the creative process.
Unit 4 - Optional unit
The final unit is selected by the teacher. It will be a purely practical assessment where the
technicals learnt over the two years can be fully utilised in a final performance.
Entry requirements:
Grade 6 in the performance components of GCSE Drama or LAMDA Grade 4 in Speech
and Drama.
Kingham Hill 2018 Sixth Form Prospectus A5 40pp.indd 32 10/11/2017 12:04