Page 29 - Kingham Hill School Sixth Form Prospectus
P. 29
Course Catalogue A-Z
The study of Mathematics opens the possibility to look at the world in a new way, and is a
key discipline for further study of Engineering, Architecture, Accountancy and Computing at
university. Key topics within the course include indices and surds, quadratics and factorising,
completing the square, solving equations and inequalities, transformation of curves,
trigonometry, algebraic fractions and vectors. Those who have excelled in mathematics up to
this stage will continue to thrive and enjoy the work.
We employ the Edexcel course for Mathematics, which began in September 2017 and covers
Core Maths, Mechanics and Statistics. AS level Mathematics can be studied in Year 12, or
the full A level over two years.
Core mathematics includes algebra and functions, coordinate geometry, differentiation,
integration, trigonometry, exponentials and logarithms. As is the trend in mathematics
beginning at GCSE, there is much more of an emphasis on problem solving and proof in the
new A level.
Mechanics overlaps very well with physics, including particle work on kinematics, dynamics
and statics as well as moments.
Statistics follow on from the work on data handling and probability at GCSE, and is incredibly
useful for those studying Biology, Geography and many other subjects.
Entry requirements:
Grade 7 or higher at GCSE.
Kingham Hill 2018 Sixth Form Prospectus A5 40pp.indd 29 10/11/2017 12:04