Page 27 - Kingham Hill School Sixth Form Prospectus
P. 27
Course Catalogue A-Z
US Government
(American Program only)
This course surveys the structure and function of American government and politics that
begins with an analysis of the United States Constitution, the foundation of the American
political system. Pupils study the three branches of government and the administrative
agencies that support each branch, including the role of political behaviour and culture in the
democratic process. The course includes learning about the legislation governing elections
and the workings of political parties and interest groups.
US History
(American Program only)
The U.S. History course forms part of our American Program. The curriculum covers a close
examination of American identity and diversity from the pre-colonial societies through the
post Cold War era.
It includes a comprehensive study of these key themes and requires supplementary readings
outside the classroom. This Advanced Placement course will involve ongoing teacher
assessment followed by an externally set and marked examination at the end of the year.
Kingham Hill 2018 Sixth Form Prospectus A5 40pp.indd 27 10/11/2017 12:04