Page 11 - Experiential_Learning_Guide_6-30-2017a_Flat
P. 11

Describe and Apply Concepts Used in GIS Database Manipulation

           I have installed and configured Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise within my organization to enable
           versioning and multi-user editing of enterprise geodatabase datasets.  Initially, this was done using
           ESRI Spatial Data Engine (ArcSDE) to enable the spatial component within the relational database
           system.  When migrating to ArcGIS Server10.4.1 for my organization, ArcSDE command lines no
           longer exist and SDE features are accomplished via ArcDesktop tools.  Spatial queries are written to
           views and consumed by the end user utilizing connections through ArcCatalog, allowing them access
           to the features and allowing edit and post of their individual versions.  An intermediate Quality Control
           (QC) version is used to verify changes before posting to the Database Owner (DBO).   This ensures the
           organizational data standards are met and final reconcile and post makes those newly edited features
           available to everyone.

           Data manipulation for GIS requires a connection to some sort of data (shapefile, personal geodatabase,
           file geodatabase or enterprise geodatabase).  I have used Spatial and 3D Analyst to convert LiDAR
           surveys (point clouds) to raster grids to facilitate the analysis of hydrologic water flows around dams.
           Since this type of analysis is done over large areas, raster format is primarily the format of choice and
           vector conversions are necessary.  I have also used map algebra conditional statements to convert
           Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) from meters to feet for analysis.  I have also manipulated table data
           by adding and deleting rows, calculating geometry and concatenating fields.  I sometimes need to crate
           joins an relationships between tabular and spatial data using unique id fields; this may entail utilizing
           table commands to create the needed attributes to facility the join or relationship.
           Explain How Databases Are Linked with GIS

           As stated above, I started small by utilizing Microsoft Access and developing tables containing primary
           and foreign key identifiers, this enabled me to take advantage of table relationships in ArcDesktop.  I
           would then import these files usually as a .dbf file into ArcMap for analysis.
           I later learned how to create detailed schemas to implement GIS enterprise level databases for my
           organization.  The tables were created using Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise (MS SQL).  Command
           line tools were used to create the data types for the database attributes according to our spatial data
           standard.  Each table created requires a minimum of a unique ID field and a foreign key to facilitate
           joining of additional tables within the spatial database.  Once configured, I would create any additional
           queries that may be needed and create views which are then indexed to store the values and make
           them available to the user.  I utilize ArcCatalog to create my connections to the spatial databases
           that have been configured.  I have setup a number of spatial database connections for internal data,
           external data and raster data that our District utilizes.  I also use ArcCatalog to import data from various
           source types into our spatial databases for dissemination.


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