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Experiential Learning Portfolio Guide The essay must contain the following components:
• Educational Experience
• Professional Experience and how it connects to the course outcomes (including any specialized
training opportunities, certifications, volunteer experience, etc.)
• Demonstration of the application of the theoretical concepts within the course (relevant projects,
presentations that have been done, participation in professional organizations, etc.)
• Theoretical knowledge (including current literature review appropriate to the course – past five
III. Documentation or Artifacts
Documentation must be provided to help support your essay. You must include a documentation page
that lists and briefly summarizes the information in each document. The portfolio may contain up to 12
artifacts; documentation may include, but is not limited to:
• Resume/CV
• Educational Transcripts
• Professional Training Documents (certificates, attendance reports, etc.)
• Professional Exams (summary of exam content, score reports, etc.)
• Professional licenses
• Professional or educational portfolio
Students who are interested in pursuing ELP credit should reach out to their student success advisor
and ask for the objectives of the course or courses that they are considering. The objective sheet
requires basic information about the student and then guides the student to briefly connect their
experience to each course objective; this must be completed with the portfolio submission. There is
no specific length of time that the student has from the time they request information to the time that
they decide to submit a portfolio. When the student is ready, he or she will submit the objective sheet,
the essay (with references), and the artifacts or evidence through the jot form here. At the time of
submission, payment will be requested through the form.
All submissions will go to the Dean. Portfolios will be evaluated and approved or denied within two
weeks (10 business days) by the Dean or an assigned subject matter expert. The portfolio will be
returned to the student from the evaluator and the student success advisor will be copied on the
response. If approved, the credit will reflect as transfer credit for the student. Credit earned through ELP
does not affect the student’s GPA.
All of the documents within the Experiential Learning Portfolio must be submitted together. This
includes the basic information, the essay, and the documentation or artifacts. If these documents are
submitted separately, the portfolio will be returned without being evaluated. The portfolio will only
be evaluated once. If documents are missing or the portfolio is incomplete, the student will need to
resubmit the documents and pay the fee again. In the event that a portfolio is denied, the student does
not receive a refund.
6 | Experiential Learning Portfolio Guide