Page 4 - Panto Prog
P. 4
Harry Wright as Anne Bonny
Harry is a first year computer science student! This years Treas-
ure Panto marks his first performance for Shoreline, and he’s
sure to catch your eye. Although this is Harry’s first Shoreline per-
formance, he is a very experienced actor having acted since GCSE
age (it’s also far from his first time stepping out in heels). So la-
dies, hold on to your men, as Harry prepares to dazzle you all to-
Jack Coats as Jack Rackham
Jack Coates is the kind of guy who after speaking to him for five
minutes you realise that regardless of his role, he's going to nail
it. This has shown in the past, where he's taken on such roles as a
snowman, a sweet transvestite, and a gay Romeo. In some freak
metamorphic accident, these roles have combined to form Jack
Rackham, who’s every line is an innuendo. You could try and
count them all, but honestly it would be easier to count which
lines ' have some kind of devious connotation.
John Baddeley as Captain Hook
John is an accomplished acting talent in Shoreline, his name
alone strikes both fear and awe into the hearts of members.
Some of his nearest and dearest were asked to describe the
acting legend in 3 words and this is what they came up with;
“Talented, Committed, Irish” - J.Beaumont, “Hipster, Sleek, Nerd”
- J.Hill, “Charming, Kind, Funny” - J.Nathan, “100% would f*#£” -
anonymous. . His captivating portrayal of the famous pirate will
leave you quaking in your boots. In the words of Director Ross
Barnes, “his acting will have you hooked”.
Emily Summers as Smee
Emily is a third year physics student and shoreliner. She's originally
from the west country, so look forward to hearing her immaculate
Somerset accent. Despite being a late addition to the cast ... Wait
she's been here since the start?! So, why haven't I seen... Oh, okay
then. She hopes she to give an unforgettable performance as this
will be her last show with Shoreline, and hopes you enjoy show.