Page 6 - Panto Prog
P. 6
Rachael Skilling as Polly Parrot
Rachael is from Gloucester and she is doing a masters in man-
agement at the moment. She played in panto last year and is
happy to see there are no Christmas songs! This year Rachael is
colourful yet, huge, sassy parrot! Rachael is also directing this
year; 'And then there were none' by Agatha Christie. She claims
she found it very challenging to learn Panto's choreo, but she
will do her best not to fall down. She hopes you enjoy the show!
Lewis Israel as Blackbeard
Lewis has been a Shoreline Member for 3 years and is current-
ly doing a Masters in ‘Media’ (which he likes to pretend is a
real subject). Treasure Panto, although not his first pantomime,
has certainly been the most challenging. Landing Blackbeard
was particularly surprising, though his favorite part of rehears-
als has been receiving his pirate hat, but with the biggest hat
comes the greatest responsibility: his Welsh accent. Lewis
thanks you for your supporttonight and hopes you enjoy the
Will Hough as Ben Gunn
Will is studying a Master’s in Environmental Biology. Though he
had no theatrical experience prior to his time with Shoreline, he
now appears to specialize in roles that have him acting com-
pletely insane. His previous role before this pantomime was
that of the grandad in It Happens at Twelve It is still unknown
whether this range comes from an innate acting talent or from
the anxiety-inhibiting properties of alcohol – which is entirely
possible given his self-admitted specialty for crashing parties.