Page 5 - Panto Prog
P. 5
Paul Smith as The Lord Admiral
Paul is a 3rd year Physics student, and 1st year Shoreliner. Paul
has previously served in the Navy as an aircraft technician, and
has recently appeared in Lost Boys as a soldier in WW1. Paul is
hoping to shake his typecast of being a member of the Armed Ser-
vices by playing... The Lord Admiral. Paul has been living out the
last few weeks as Admiral Nelson; wandering around with his arm
inside his jacket and standing on top of the Trafalgar Square col-
umn. He hopes you enjoy the show.
Theodora Odysseos as Norrington
Theodora is in her 2nd year of an arts degree with a focus on
crayon drawings. She has done many drawings of famous peo-
ple, but as none of them can be recognised they haven’t sold very
well. Despite coming from Cyprus, Theodora is a proud English-
man, and her spare time is spent thinking of ways to work this
into conversation. She also dances, which came in handy during
this show. She hopes you enjoy the show!
Chris Rayer as Hornblower
Chris Rayer is a fantastically busy Chemistry student that’s al-
ready performed in many plays throughout the two short years
he’s been in Shoreline. He might be in the Navy, but he’s got an
eye for the ladies, but no bending anyone over a table though
this year – alright. Rest assured Chris really does like Wales, Espe-
cially as we have rugby and Pokestops!!! Anyway Chris is a total
star and you will never forget his performance tonight!
Nathaniel Ingledow as Eyepatches Joe
Nat is a first year Spanish (and German, sort of) student who is
playing the role of Eyepatches Joe, the best damn navigator in the
fleet. Before joining Shoreline Nat took part in an amateur thea-
tre group back home known as the Crown players. Fun fact about
Nat is that he used to be a competitive gymnast when he was a
kid. We hoped to utilise these abilities in the Panto this year with
Joe swinging in from the rafters of “Rebound”, however these
plans were shut down as the chest of gold we were funding the
show with turned out to be a box of chocolate coins…