Page 37 - PM#102_all
P. 37

エネルギー展望/EnErgy OutlOOk

                           Industrialisation and Growing Power Demand

            informed one, it is worth looking at energy policies in the   in the world will simply accelerate relative economic
            harsh light of this particular slice of reality. The EU has a   decline while making little difference to atmospheric carbon
            current target for a 20% reduction in emissions (against   dioxide levels.
            a 1990 baseline) by 2020 which would probably put it
            on course to make its contribution to the 10% reduction   As fossil fuels dominate energy supplies over the next
            in OECD emissions by 2030 envisaged in the BP        few decades, the continuing evolution of climate systems
            report. However, in a world where non-OECD countries   and improvements in scientific knowledge should help
            continue to increase their emissions and contribute to an   us finally understand what the real  drivers of climate
            increasingly dominant share, the chances of significantly   are. A more capable society will then be able to decide
            decarbonizing the world economy by mid-century look   how to adapt or possibly influence weather patterns at
            remote.                                              least at regional levels. Until then, we need to break
                                                                 the spiral of investment in unnecessarily expensive
            Since Europe will become a less important player in a   and ineffective climate change mitigation policies and
            world dominated by China among other large emerging   focus on developing better means of energy generation
            economies and the USA, politicians need to face up to   and use.
            the question of whether current climate change policy is
            relevant. Subsidizing inefficient energy technologies in
            Europe in the absence of radical policy changes elsewhere                  Got a question ?  Please scan QR code on page  61

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