Page 1 - Torch - January 2020
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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated
Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter
February 2020 Volume 46 Issue 6
Message from President Brown
Love is in the air, Love is everywhere! Happy Valentine’s Day, my sisters!
As usual, we have been quite busy doing the great things in our community as a
chapter as well as individuals. Our chapter is one that is unique and enriched by
the talent of its members. We have strategically utilized these talents to make pos-
itive and recognizable change in our service area. We should all be proud that we
are recognized leaders and change agents in the River Region. Inside
The Torch
Many thanks to the Political Awareness and Involvement Committee on additional
educational installments to inform our committee on matters that impact our com- Chaplain’s Corner 3
munity, especially the black community. The International Awareness and Involve- Founders Day 4-5
ment Committee and collaborators provided an eye-opening view of the Human
Spotlight on Sorors 6
Trafficking crisis both domestically and internationally. There was great collabora-
tion and community engagement. The Community Outreach Committee continues Just Mercy 7
to provide monthly opportunities to engage with the community through work- MLK Day of Service 8
shops at the Exodus Community, the Back Pack Project and the annual MLK Day of
Human Trafficking 9
Service, a partnership with the Mid Alabama Coalition for the Homeless. A special
thank you to Sorors Brenda Coone and Robyn Lindsey for being the “outreach P & M Health 10-11
agents” for Autauga and Elmore counties.
Courtesies / 12-13
Congratulations to the Founders Day Committee for a wonderful celebration of the
107 founding of our beloved sisterhood. Our theme, The Movement Continues:
Sisterhood Month 14
Same Vision-Stronger Commitment-Greater Service, captured the very essence of
who we are in the Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter. The reenactment of our Upcoming Events 15-17
Founders participating in the Women’s Suffrage March was a perfect reminder of
how visionary our Founders were more than a century ago. The Delta Aires, under Mark Your Calen- 18
the direction of Soror Melanie Handy, provided a Grammy worthy performance to
entertain those in attendance. And the Decorations Committee provided the per-
fect ambiance with the perfect blend of violet and red tones. The highlight of the Special Points
celebration came from the 21 National President, the Honorable Marcia L. Fudge.
of Interest:
Soror Fudge gave us a reality check as we embark upon a critical time in American Chapter Awards
politics. She left us with marching orders for Red Army to get into formation and
respond in Dora Milaje fashion as we work for the good of all mankind, use the Nominees
power in our voice to make substantive change and VOTE! Sisterhood
We continue to be busy, but not just busy – we are making progress and IMPACT!
Because we are looked upon as servant leaders in the community, we do not have MAC Authors
the luxury of taking a break. Please continue to do all that you can do to support Spotlight