Page 3 - Graypvine December 2020
P. 3

Gray Construction Updates

                                                               we work. Alone we can accomplish many great
                        Gray Construction                      things, but together, we can change the world. Let us
                        with Patrick McCowan                   continue to promote positive change – with a focus
                        Chief Operating Officer                on our people and our values – that continues to
                                                               allow personal growth to precede Gray’s growth.
          “Change” is a word we have all become familiar
        with during 2020. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary
        defines this word as, “to make someone or something                   Central Business Unit
        different; alter or modify.” The part the dictionary does             with Steve Summers
        not define is the human element. Each of us has the                   Executive Vice President
        ability to affect “change” in a positive or negative way.                                                    3
        Together, we can choose positive change.                In December of 2019, we began the $80 million
          Personally, we are living through a pandemic which   Dressing Plant Expansion design work for Marzetti.
        has changed the way we communicate, educate our        Shortly after the 30% design review, this project
        children, and go out to eat. Professionally, we have   was put on hold due to the uncertainties of market
        experienced a change in leadership that has created    impact from the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of
        different teams. Together we have seen substantial     the design progress and the critical need of the work
        change in the growth of our business both from a       when the project would resume, we proceeded
        financial and headcount standpoint. These changes      with the temporary Wet Trash Dock construction
        have impacted us all in some way and have pushed       from March through May of this year. In September
        us to “alter or modify” the way we live our lives both   we met with Marzetti to review scope requirement
        personally and professionally.                         changes. The customer added to the scope in space
          “Change” is definitely a word we’ve all heard more   previously planned, including the addition of two
        of during 2020, but in reality, we have all dealt with   bottling lines; five add-mix kitchens; changes in the
        change more than we realize. Change is a part of our   cook kitchen; and five pairs of product tanks, with all
        daily lives, and we can choose to “alter and modify”   of the associated pumps, piping, controls and utilities.
        positively rather than negatively. An ancient quote    Adjustments were also made to the main office,
        from Socrates says it best: “The secret of change is to   employee welfare areas and three additional shipping
        focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on   dock positions. A revised GMP proposal was
        building the new.”                                     assembled and presented to Marzetti on September
          As we welcome change, keeping relationships          30, 2020. We received board approval of the $112
        our priority will only strengthen us, our teams, and   million project on November 11.
        our company. Together, we must never lose focus         We’re gearing up to mobilize on-site in mid-
        on what is most valuable at Gray…our people. We        November for the Amazon Panda DET6 project in
        will develop a deeper understanding of diversity,      Detroit, Michigan. This is our 8th fulfillment center
        belonging and acceptance. It is imperative that we     project for Amazon and is very similar to two others   Company
        encourage each member of our team to create a          that we currently have under construction in Little   updates
        positive change in the world in which we live.         Rock, Arkansas and Augusta, Georgia. This 5-story   continued
                                                                                                                  on next
          As we close a 2020 full of changes, I toast each     AR Sort fulfillment center contains 3.8 million s.f. of   page
        of you who have made a positive difference in how      floor space and is part of a redevelopment located
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