Page 8 - Graypvine December 2020
P. 8

“From a young age I had always
                                                                           wanted to explore these three
                                                                           trails — collectively known as the
                                                                           Triple Crown of Hiking. Little did
                                                                           I know, just after starting the first

                                                                           trail in 2006 I would meet my
                                                                           future wife Jane and she would
                                                                           go on to hike all three of these
                                                                           long trails with me. We have
                                                                           been fortunate to see much of
                                                                           this country either on foot or by
                                                                           car. When you slow down to a

                                                                           speed of about 2.5 mph it takes
      8                                                                    on a whole new dimension.”

                                                                           Jason Mosakowski
                                                                           Project Manager
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