Page 6 - Graypvine December 2020
P. 6

As many of you may have heard before, there is no   have acclimated to a multitude of dynamic conditions                             Distribution &
            better equalizer to the sale of a job than the execution   in 2020 – the most impactful being the global                               Commercial
            of the project itself. It can be a humbling experience   pandemic we are experiencing.                                                 with Rodney Carpenter
            if a project goes south on you. Solid execution,        Within our Mission Critical teams -- both site and                             Vice President, Distribution
            planning, and flexibility are essential ingredients to   project management -- we have worked tirelessly                               & Commercial Market
            mission success. Henry Ford said it best; “You can’t   to navigate the COVID-19 storm. There have been
            build a reputation on what you are going to do.”      valuable lessons each of us have learned through
            That’s why we must remain vigilant and relentless     these times; tools we can put in our tool chest to be
            when it comes to the solid execution of our projects.   better prepared for the next challenge.                                                                                              Gray Architects &
              While the South Atlantic team must stay keenly        In the last few months, we have completed our
            focused on current project execution, we also         original Mission Critical wins: CMH 054, OSU 061,                                                                                      Engineers
            constantly have our eyes on the future. Our team      PDX 090 and BlueMarlin. We have provided 100                                                                                           with Dowell Hoskins
            has ambitious goals to strengthen our regional        megawatts of power distribution and completed 70
      6     presence and capacity in both the food & beverage     contractual milestones on time! Each successful
            and cold storage markets, while continuing to         completion brings new opportunities. We were
            seek out new strategic opportunities in Gray’s core   recently awarded the last two buildings on the original
            manufacturing market.                                 PDX-090 campus. This award brings our sales for
              With the tremendous number of projects in           FY 2020 to just over $500 Million and over a 100%
            execution, plus a solid sales pipeline, the South     growth in sales from FY 2019. A big congratulations
            Atlantic Team is looking to expand our talent base    to our entire team for a great year!
            through personal growth and by actively recruiting      The horizon looks bright for the next year as we
            new team members. This has been and still is a big    look to expand our customer base. We are currently
            focus for our office. Strategic growth is a key element   in the process of building new relationships with
            to the success of the South Atlantic mission. With    customers in our market. If successful, these new
            that in mind, I’d like to welcome our recent new hires:   relationships will provide positive momentum for the
            Donovan Riley, Benton Everett, Aleksey Shafiro,       new year.
            and Ashley Duggan. They are great additions to our      As we approach the holiday season, let us be
            project management and design teams.                  reminded we have much to be thankful for. Many
              We are looking forward to continuing to work with   companies across the country continue to struggle
            Gray team members across our entire company!          with the effects of the on-going pandemic. Let’s
                                                                  remain steadfast as we continue to overcome the
                                                                  challenges of this year and the unknowns of the
                             Mission Critical                     coming year. We are a company that thrives as a

                             with Ben Meurer                      family, serves through our generosity, and prospers
                             Vice President,
                             Mission Critical Market              despite adversities. All hands on deck as we steer
                                                                  toward 2021!
              As a lifelong boater, I have learned many lessons.
            The most important of these lessons is the ability to
            seamlessly adapt to ever-changing conditions. If ill-
            prepared for these conditions, the consequences can
            lead to unfamiliar circumstances. The same lessons
            can be applied to construction. As a company, we
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