Page 4 - Graypvine December 2020
P. 4

on the former Michigan State Fairgrounds. We’ll       but they are also trying to determine if this is a short-
            be working on building demolition, aggregate piers    term anomaly or a long-term trend.
            and foundations over the next couple of months.         Regardless of the current and future consumer
            The erection of approximately 19,000 tons of steel    needs, we are uniquely positioned in the Industry
            is scheduled to begin in early January, as we work    to respond to those needs with the depth of food
            towards Amazon receiving product in April 2022.       experience within the Gray family of brands. Tyler
              Our teams are regularly collaborating and sharing   Cundiff is leading the effort at the Gray, Inc. level
            lessons learned across all six of Gray’s active Amazon   to organize and meld the individual strengths
            fulfillment center projects, so we want to extend a big   and experience of Gray Construction and Gray’s
            thanks to the other project teams for their excellent   endorsed brands to present our customers with
            work that has provided us with this opportunity.      a “single stop” solution to address their needs.
              Amazonʼs Project Caprock is a new ground-up         Gray and our endorsed brands have leveraged our
            1,080,000 s.f. traditional non-sortation distribution   unique customer bases to combine and conquer to
      4     facility with a 250,000 s.f. mezzanine in Visalia,    secure projects together, leveraging the talents and
                                                                  customer relationships of each. A great example is
            California. This will be Gray’s 9th project for Amazon.
            The site sits on 50 acres that will have the largest   the Monin Project, executed by Steve Summersʼ
            underground storm water detention system in the       business unit. In the past, InLine has supplied Monin
            United States. Gray broke ground on August 31st       with process and packaging engineering solutions.
            and as of November 7th the slabs were 100%            That relationship demonstrated to Monin that Gray
            complete. Early steel is arriving on November 2nd,    (the Gray family of brands) could provide a turnkey
            with the main structure erection starting December    solution for their project. That differentiated our team
            9th. Our first area turnover is March 15th with       from the competition. Another example is Anderson
            substantial completion on July 12th.                  Dahlen’s expertise with two potential customers and
                                                                  technologies that we are pursuing.
                                                                    The approach to making sales to our customers
                             Food & Beverage                      is complex—it takes talent from all areas of the
                             with Phil Seale                      company and now, across all the family of brands.
                             Executive Vice President,
                             Food & Beverage Market               Our site teams are critically important to our sales
                                                                  process as we regularly (before COVID-19) take
              As customers determine how the COVID World          customers on tours of active jobsites to demonstrate
            affects them, food companies are shifting their normal   our commitment to safety, quality and maintaining
            operations, supply chains and distribution channels to   a neat and orderly project site. They also directly
            meet customer demand.                                 interface with our customers and those customers
              We have seen the boom in pet food projects as       are used as references for future customers. Our
            we complete Saturn Petcare and Scoular, and start     project management teams, design and engineering
            work on two of the largest projects ever executed by   teams, and the teams within our family of brands
            Gray for Nestlé Purina. Both Clemens and Marzetti     all contribute to the success of the combined
            are back on the books as their demand is returning    sales efforts.
            due to exports and consumer habits. We hear             To this point, the South Atlantic Regional office,
            from customers like Nestlé that products that were    which serves all market segments was recently
            declining are now on the uptick like the Hot Pockets    awarded three key food projects from Wildfork,
            brand of products. Food manufacturers are             Prestage Farms and Negroni. Successful integration
            responding creatively to rise in consumer demand,     of the food & beverage design and project execution
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