Page 7 - Graypvine December 2020
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have acclimated to a multitude of dynamic conditions   Distribution &    coming months as we begin laying the framework for
 in 2020 – the most impactful being the global   Commercial   next year’s builds.
 pandemic we are experiencing.    with Rodney Carpenter         We are off to a great start to the new fiscal year
 Within our Mission Critical teams -- both site and   Vice President, Distribution    which will undoubtedly offer some new challenges
 project management -- we have worked tirelessly   & Commercial Market  to our teams. Thanks to all for continuing to keep us
 to navigate the COVID-19 storm. There have been   In the midst of a worldwide pandemic, who would   “safe” and remain disciplined in our approach to lead
 valuable lessons each of us have learned through   have thought Fiscal Year 2020 would wrap up in such   our teams in light of the on-going pandemic.
 these times; tools we can put in our tool chest to be   an exciting manner? This is a great testament to our
 better prepared for the next challenge.   ability to adapt and overcome. As I reflect on the   Gray Architects &
 In the last few months, we have completed our   many chapters of Gray’s 60-year history, 2020 will be
 original Mission Critical wins: CMH 054, OSU 061,   a pivotal milestone for years to come.  Engineers
 PDX 090 and BlueMarlin. We have provided 100   Publix Super Markets is an exciting chapter for   with Dowell Hoskins
 megawatts of power distribution and completed 70   Gray. In April 2019 we submitted our proposal for
 contractual milestones on time! Each successful   Publix’s Greensboro, North Carolina distribution   2020 will not a be a year that we forget about   7
 completion brings new opportunities. We were   campus project. In the beginning our team wasn’t   anytime soon, although many of us would like to! The
 recently awarded the last two buildings on the original   overly confident that the opportunity would materialize   COVID pandemic definitely threw us a curveball last
 PDX-090 campus. This award brings our sales for   into a viable project. We persevered, rose to the   Spring, but we were quick to adapt to the remote work
 FY 2020 to just over $500 Million and over a 100%   occasion and secured the win for our first project   environment. That alone could be a game changer
 growth in sales from FY 2019. A big congratulations   for Publix in June 2019, and began preliminary site   moving forward – namely it gives us the ability to find
 to our entire team for a great year!    work activities the following December. Then, three   talented team members that may not reside near one
 The horizon looks bright for the next year as we   years ahead of its original construction schedule,   of our office locations. And, unlike many of our peers in
 look to expand our customer base. We are currently   Publix elected to move forward with a 1.3 million   the A/E industry, we have continued to be successful in
 in the process of building new relationships with   s.f. dry warehouse to accompany the 1 million s.f.   winning new work and moved into Fiscal Year 2021 with
 customers in our market. If successful, these new   refrigerated warehouse currently under construction   a record volume in our backlog of design work. Credit
 relationships will provide positive momentum for the   on the Greensboro campus. Through diligence and   goes to all of the hard work that everyone dedicated to
 new year.    the purposeful steps of the project team, Gray was   countless proposals and presentations – always putting
 As we approach the holiday season, let us be   chosen as the design-build partner to perform this   our customers’ needs first. Our A/E team continues
 reminded we have much to be thankful for. Many   fast-track project, which will accompany the 11 other   to grow to meet the increasing project demands. We
 companies across the country continue to struggle   buildings to be delivered in early Fall 2022. Multiple   recently welcomed Michael Smith and Ashley Duggan to
 with the effects of the on-going pandemic. Let’s   project teams are currently working to complete $370   the team in Charlotte and Lauren Spetnagle to the team
 remain steadfast as we continue to overcome the   million in Publix projects over the next 21 months.  in Lexington.
 challenges of this year and the unknowns of the   We are tracking a number of project leads for   On a more somber note, we recently lost an extremely
 coming year. We are a company that thrives as a   distribution projects throughout the U.S. for both new   talented member of our team. Terry Hainley passed away
 family, serves through our generosity, and prospers   and repeat customers. Companies are looking to   on November 13th after a nearly 2-year battle with cancer.
 despite adversities. All hands on deck as we steer   enhance and expand supply chain capabilities as they   Terry worked his entire career at Gray, which began
 toward 2021!  continue to reinvent themselves in the shadows of a   in 1998; he had a real eye for design and influenced
        global pandemic. The need for cold storage projects   many projects over the years, including Gates of New
        appears to be on the uptick and we are poised to      England projects, Tower Automotive, Mobis Georgia,
        increase our share in that market segment.            Hysco, Johnson Controls, Harman Becker, Montoplast,
          In commercial news, we recently had a successful    Volkswagen (the Arrival Building and Pedestrian Bridge),
        opening for the new Costco Warehouse in Cherry        Michelin, Mercedes and Amada. Terry was a talented
        Hill, New Jersey. Our team is budgeting several new   architect but an even better husband, father and friend to
        Costco warehouses in the U.S. and Canada over the     all of us – we will miss him dearly.
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