Page 12 - The 10 Most Pominent Retail startups in 2019
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ambre India is a start-up training on managing Inventory, their aspirations of becoming full-
which was established to Invoicing, Statutory payments fledged Successful Entrepreneurs.
Lleverage on the Start up such as GST etc., Besides these, These women become an earning
ambition, Industry experience of Lambre lady field Managers member of the household which
the founders in bringing a global support the women entrepreneurs helps them in better education for
brand to India to enable and in conducting Home meetings, their children, better care for their
empower the Women of India. soft skills and other nuances of the parents and a better standing in the
Lambre’s Vision business in making them confident, society. Lambre India’s Vision is to
empower 1 million women in India
independent women who can meet
The Vision of Lambre is to by 2023.
offer Global Quality products The Visionary Leaders
authorised, exclusive marketing “ Lambre The Founders of the Company are
at India prices to Indian women
empowering them to become
micro entrepreneurs. Lambre India
Chilla Vishwanath a succesful
is a Pvt Ltd entity which is the
NRI from US and Pramodh
corporate professional having
and distribution partner of Ms believes in Manda who is a seasoned
Mongird Sp zoo of Poland, owners Face to Face served in globally acclaimed
of Lambre Brand globally. marketing with Corporates in the field of
What We Do a Consultative Pharmaceuticals, FMCG, Nutrition
and Direct Selling. Vishwanath
Lambre facilitates and enables approach if the principal investor and
Women in particular from Tier II along with Pramodh whose
& III cities on the latest trends and passion for Direct Selling and his
knowledge of Beauty Products, “ entrepreneurship dream coupled
how to conduct Demos, Software with empowering of Indian women