Page 15 - The 10 Most Pominent Retail startups in 2019
P. 15
Lambre India
is working on
additional funds
to ramp up their
operations in line
with the timelines
set “
from that of more established
companies. There will be plenty of
multi- tasking to do and the staff
gets exposed to various functions
as the complexity will be less to
start with. As the Organisation
grows, the employees’ multi
Team Lambre domains functioning slowly come
down and settle to their respective
Domains matching their core
Vision of empowering 1 million driver of the organisation and strengths. However, the earlier
women will happen ahead of the therefore the Industry. If you can exposure stands them in good stead
time we set ourselves. offer a good product which delivers as to how other functions operate
Lambre’s Work on Making the what it promises, offers more value which leads to better Horizontal
Industry Better for money and if the Customer Collaboration among the team
buys it repeatedly only for its
The Direct Selling Industry in functionality notwithstanding other members. This leads to a better
coherent, cohesive, empathetic
India is going through the churn as opportunity related benefits, the working culture which is so crucial
it has in many other international Company is in the right direction for any successful organisation.
markets. and bound to be successful. The
India offers enormous potential regulatory authorities need to factor Today’s Industry Scenario
for the Industry to grow and offer these elements which should be the Pramodh says -
indirect employment to millions. DNA of Direct Selling business. I am a die-hard fan of our PM,
The Industry can in fact become We hope that the Direct Selling Modi ji. The transformation that he
the saviour for the unemployment guidelines capture these in essence is bringing into the mind-set of the
challenge the country is facing. and the companies follow the same average Indian backed by policies
Lambre offers Skill Sets which are in the spirit and ethos of their supporting the ease of business,
in line with Govt of India’s NSDC respective corporate philosophy. FDIs etc., is amazing.
initiatives. If Lambre could become The Key to Develop a Good Team
inclusive or a part of NSDC and The sense of Pride that an Indian
STEP programs, the acceleration in Like any typical start up, Lambre
our reach will go up many fold. started with a small team from
a tiny office in Bangalore. The
The Direct Selling Industry business growth, though modest
The Direct Selling Industry in India has helped us move to a bigger
comprises of Companies that are space. The team comprises of
product centric and opportunity members who have been with the
centric. Lambre believes that company since its inception. The
Products are the lifeline of the sense of belonging that comes with
company and they should be the a start-up organisation is different