Page 14 - The 10 Most Pominent Retail startups in 2019
P. 14


           Today, Lambre has
           successful Business
           women in the remote
           corners of India –
           interiors of Mizoram,
           Manipur and in
           cities of Delhi and
           Bangalore as well             “

        on managing Lambre Delivery
        Point in terms of Placing orders,
        raising Invoices, GST, managing
        Inventory etc., all from the comfort
        of its Women Entrepreneur’s
        homes. All these skill sets are
        provided free by Lambre which
        would otherwise cost quite a lot for
        anyone to undergo. Today, Lambre
        has successful Business women
        in the remote corners of India –     Directors and Senior Management.     are an inspiration to many other
        interiors of Mizoram, Manipur and    The products are approved by Govt  women in their society.
        in cities of Delhi and Bangalore as   of India (CDSCO – Central Drugs
        well. This is the power of Direct    Standard Control Organisation)       We Do Not See the Competition,
        Selling! The work from home          after extensively subjecting         We See the Potential!
        and being their own boss with        the products to trials and their     Lambre being a new player and a
        flexibility on timings empowers the   suitability to Indian skin. Lambre   baby in the market actually do not
        women to balance between Family      international, thanks to its strong   see competition. We only see the
        and Business.                                                             market potential and ourselves as

        Aparna proudly says “The             R&D innovates products specific      our own competition. The better we
                                             to India market such as SPF,
        Woman of India is a multi-tasking    Products that match the Indian       reach out and execute our strategies
        individual. She has to don the hat   skin type etc., and The Business     in empowering the Women
        of a Mother, Wife, Daughter in law,   Plan is customised to suit the      of India, we are making good
        manage the entire home keeping       India Customer psyche. Lambre        progress towards Lambre India’s
        everyone happy. It’s not an easy     has customised the entire Point      Vision of empowering 1 million
        job. This makes the Woman excel      of Sale software right from order    women in becoming Lambre India
        in the management of her team,       placement to invoicing and           Entrepreneurs. Lambre India is
        render better service to her Lambre   shipping information. The entire    currently present in markets of
        customers thus enabling them to      module is to provide quick and       East, N East, North and South. We
        replicate what she is doing and      easy info at the finger-tips of our   are expanding into West and North
        become entrepreneurs themselves.     consultants who can operate both     Markets as the initial success we
        Lambre with the help of its Lady     on their desktops and mobile         experienced is very positive and
        Managers in the field connect        phones. The technology gives         encouraging.
        with the women to start Lambre       our Consultants live information     With regards to competition,
        business and realise their dreams.   of their Business and team’s         Lambre India is working on
        Customizing Products for Clients     performance in a very simplified     additional funds to ramp up their

        Although, Lambre is a global         manner. The ladies who are           operations in line with the timelines
                                                                                  set. If we could get support from
        brand, Lambre Cosmetics is           our Channel Partners are today       the Govt or VCs with funding, the
        an Indian Company with India         successful Business Women and
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