Page 16 - The 10 Most Pominent Retail startups in 2019
P. 16


                                                                                      We experience
                                                                                      this lack of
                                                                                      proactiveness and
                                                                                      the willingness from
                                                                                      the authorities
                                                                                      in helping their
                                                                                      particularly the
                                                                                      Start-ups                   “

         Team Lambre

        has about his motherland is more     venture and these road blocks at     Industry having helped several
        than ever!                           times make us think if we have       companies in re-engineering their

        I am a proud Indian and will be      taken the right decision. The        Operations, Marketing & Branding,
        ever grateful to our beloved leader.  govt should build an ecosystem      Business Plan simulations etc.
                                             at all levels which is welcoming
                                                                                  Pramodh is currently with Lambre
        If I were to offer my humble         these policies and employment        India as its Strategy Advisor and
        suggestion it is while the Intent is   generating initiatives.            for Lambre Internationale as its
        Great and the Execution is good,                                          Regional Advisor – Asia Markets.
        the mechanism is average, I say      The Eventful Journey
        this with my limited knowledge.      CH Vishwanath is born into           Pramodh’s expertise in Direct
        The DNA of what the Top              a middle class family from           Selling coupled with his passion
        Leadership is preaching needs to     Hyderabad. His parents were          for empowering the common man
        percolate into Top Beauracracy       School and Junior College teachers.   and woman to become successful
        and further into middle and lower    Vishwanath did his Engineering       entrepreneurs has resulted in the
        levels. The big picture of the       from India and Masters from the      founding of Lambre India.
        outcome of what they do to their     US. His dream of giving back to
        respective organisations in the      India is the realisation of Lambre   Year of Founding: 2016
        Govt and therefore to the Nation     India.
        needs to be shown. Or else, these    Pramodh Manda’s journey              Funding Information: Mr Chilla
        transformational changes could       started from the grass roots of the   Vishwanath, Prinicpal Investor
        appear as an additional burden       business. During his college days,   Founding Members: Pramodh
        in terms of work and man-hours       Pramodh started as a Sales Man       Manda, Chilla Vishwanath,
        spent. We experience this lack of    for educational products before
        proactiveness and the willingness    becoming a Sales Executive with      Aparna.M
        from the authorities in helping      MNC Pharmaceutical Company.          CEO : Aparna.M
        their customers, particularly        He grew up the ranks into Senior
        the Start-ups. Start-up India is     Management having worked in          Office Locations:   Company
        a great platform but unless the      FMCG, Nutrition and Direct           Strength: 12
        various govt departments lend us     Selling.                              Website: / www.
        the helping hand, it can at times                               
        become demotivating. Product         Pramodh’s last corporate
        Registrations, GST etc, Corporate    assignment was with a US based
        Taxes for small turnover companies  Direct Selling as its India CEO.
        like us are a few examples. As       He then turned into an Advisor
        such, it is not easy to start a new   and Consultant to Direct Selling
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