Page 13 - The 10 Most Pominent Retail startups in 2019
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in becoming stakeholders of his ordinary housewives turning into
vision has resulted in Lambre successful Business women in no
India. While Vishwanath is in the “ time. To quote Aparna “My team’s
Advisory Board, Pramodh is the My Team’s dream dream is to make 1 Million women
Mentor and Steering Committee is to make one successful Lambre Entrepreneurs
member for Lambre India. million Indian by 2023”! Lambre India has
The CEO of Lambre India is women to become its own website thru which the
Aparna M, who is an ex-Senior succesful Lambre Consultants/Customers can buy the
Manager from top global US Soft products.
Ware Company. After serving for 2023! Giving a Beautiful Opportunity
20 years in Corporate, Aparna to the Women of India
whose childhood ambition of Entrepreneurs by “ As mentioned earlier, Lambre
making a difference to the fellow by way of its Global Quality
women matched with the vision Cosmetics gives a Beautiful
of Lambre India founders. Like a opportunity to the Women of
fish to water, Aparna adapted to Lambre’s Business Model India in line with Govt of India’s
the new industry in no time and Lambre’s business model includes initiative of STEP (The Support
has earned the respect and trust of appointing Delivery Points to Training and Employment
Lambre’s women entrepreneurs which are owned by the Women Programme for Women)
who are called Beauty Consultants. Entrepreneurs in rendering better
The Business of Lambre India service to Lambre Consultants Lambre provides training on
gathered momentum and the and end Customers. The Delivery products, Marketing and Business
volumes doubled in a short time Point’s readily available products Plan, Soft Skills required for
since Aparna had taken over help the customers in getting access customer handling, Business and
Lambre operations. Aparna’s to the products in quick time which social etiquette, Soft Ware training
simplistic approach, people skills, translates into trust and confidence
backed by strong process driven in the brand. The Delivery points
systems have helped in taking serve as an additional source of
Lambre’s business upwards. income to Lambre Consultants.
The Challenges We Face In The company provides extensive
Retail Sale training on how to manage
business by operating Lambre point
Lambre believes in Face to Face of sale software. We have seen
marketing and Consultative selling.
The Lady Consultants of Lambre
use the products and become
the Brand Ambassadors of the
Company. In other words, they
become “product of the products”!
The benefits they derive out of
using Lambre’s global quality
products give them the confidence
and conviction to share Lambre
with their near and dear. Along
with Products, Lambre offers a
revenue earning potential via sale
of its products. Lambre offers
the flexibility to Women who
can only use the products for
themselves, or become Retailers
by recommending to their friends
and family members, or become
Business Entrepreneurs by helping
other women to avail Lambre