Page 4 - October 2019 Final
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        Do  you  hear  water  sounds  coming    “Metro Water uses a three-fold sys-  running. The resident was not aware
        from  your  bathroom  toilet  or  near   tem  of  monitoring,  on-call  service   of the water loss,” David shared.
        your unit? Does your toilet randomly   and  attending  to  consumption  in-  Don’t  let  this  be  you.  Even  if  you
        flush during the day or in the middle   creases. This helps us reach the goals   suspect  hearing  water,  David  sug-
        of the night.? Sounds eerie?         our  clients  want—money  saved  and   gests that you let someone know, as
                                             water waste reduced,” he explained.   there have been times where the dili-
        Before  you  think  there’s  something                                     gent  ear  of  a  resident  helped  detect
        otherworldly  lurking  about  in  your   Monitoring Service                the  source  of  the  leak.  It’s  also  im-
        bathroom, there’s a term for this, and   Each  week,  Metro  Water  staff  read   portant to know where the toilet shut-
        it’s called a phantom or ghost flush.   the  water  meters  and  analyze  how   off  valve  is  located  so  that  you  can
        It’s a sign that there’s a problem that   much water is being used. They can   turn off the water supply until Metro
        needs to be solved.                  estimate about how much water each    Water arrives to make the repair.
                                             unit uses per day. According to Vir-
        Fortunately,  WAL  has  a  contractor   ginia-American,  water  and  sewer    On-Call Service
        that  fixes  such  problems  at  no  extra   service costs $13.29/1000 gal. When   Should  you  hear  that  phantom  flush
        cost to you. When you dial 703-461-                                        or  water  running,  don’t  hesitate  to
        3418, leave a message for Metro Wa-                                        call  Metro  Water.  Metro  Water  sup-
        ter,  the  Association’s  contractor  for                                  plies the parts and labor aimed at re-
        water conservation. Metro Water will                                       solving the water loss at no charge to
        schedule  a  time  to  investigate  the                                    the residents.
        case and resolve the issue. Each call
        or report made helps the Association                                       Increased Consumption
        reduce  water  consumption  and  save                                      The  final  component  of  the  Metro
        money on utility costs !                                                   Water partnership with WAL is what
                                                                                   to do when the consumption increas-
        Who is Metro Water?                                                        es  and no one’s reported a problem.
        Metro  Water  provides  water  con-                                        This is a serious issue because if just
        sumption  control  services  for  WAL.                                     one  toilet  keeps  running,  it  can  lose
        South Boston, VA native David Wil-                                         thousands  of  gallons  of  waters  each
        born has been a water conservationist                                      day.  To  notify  the  affected  building
        for  nearly  50  years  and  WAL  has                                      and as a reminder to check for leaks,
        been a full-time client of Metro Wa-                                       Water  Alert  Notices  are  distributed
        ter  since  1992.  Our  community  was   Metro Water routinely monitors the water   under  the  door  of  each  unit.  Inspec-
        the first client to receive such service   usage at Watergate at Landmark.    tions  are  then  conducted  to  find  the
        from  Metro  Water  after  fulfilling  an                                  leak and fix it.
        initial contract to replace aging toilet   coupled  with  the  fact  that  a  running
        components  with  better  technology   toilet can add thousands of gallons to   “Fortunately,  WAL  residents  are  in-
        aimed at reducing water waste.       a building’s consumption in one day,   terested in how efficiently their build-
                                             it’s easy to see how much the costs of   ing is using water and we greatly ap-
         “We  were  working  on  conserving   an  undetected  leak  add  up.  Metro   preciate  the  help  we  get  in  locating
        water when it wasn’t talked about so   Water  data  suggests  that  water  con-  the source of the water loss,” he adds.
        much,”  David  said,  “but  we  knew   sumption over time at WAL has been
        that  to  control  consumption  levels   significantly  reduced  from  its  previ-  So now  you  know  what  to  do  when
        and costs, you have to stop the leaks   ous levels of around 210 gal./unit/day    you  hear  those  phantom  flushes  in
        ASAP.” So, Metro Water focuses on    to on average 125 gal./unit/day as of   your  bathroom.  There’s  no  need  to
        water conservation via reducing toilet   today.                            call an outside plumber.
        leaks  and  water  consumption  while
        our  Maintenance  Department  repairs   “Water leaks can happen quietly, es-  Help save water and your
        distribution leaks and toilet backups.    pecially  if  you  aren’t  attentive.  I’ve   Association save money. Call
                                             gone into units here and the toilet is
                                                                                   Metro Water at 703-461-3418.
         Page 4                                           Wheel                                        October 2019
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