Page 8 - October 2019 Final
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        By Carolyn Winters, Social Committee Chair
        Show support for the military here at WAL and attend this   to the NPM. This cutting-edge technology had the poten-
        year’s Veteran’s Day Dinner planned by the Seniors Com-  tial to reduce the number of mail sacks from 37 mail sacks
        mittee with coordination from the Social and A&E Com-   to one as well as the weight of the mail from 2,575 lbs. to
        mittees  on  Sunday,  No-                                                            45  lbs.  if  you  had  about
        vember 10 in the Terrace                                                             150,000  one-page  letters,
        Lounge at 4:30 p.m. Vol-                                                             according  to  the  NPM.
        unteers  from  the  WAL                                                              You  would  think  that
        community  will  set  up  a                                                          these facts would spur V-
        celebratory  dinner  event                                                           Mail’s  usage,  but  NPM
        as  a  way  to  honor  those                                                         reports  that  most  people
        who served and protected                                                             still  sent  their  mail  regu-
        the U.S. in the military.                                                            lar first-class.

        What’s V-Mail?                                                                       Do You Have Mail?
        The Second World War—                                                                An  exhibit  displaying
        better  known  as  World                                                             personal  letters  between
        War  II—was  the  largest                                                            active  duty  and  Veteran
        and deadliest war in histo-                                                          military  members  and
        ry  according  to  histo-                                                            their  loved  ones  assem-  From  the  Nazi’s                                                           bled by Arts & Entertain-
        invasion  of  Poland  in                                                             ment  Committee  Chair
        1939  through  Japan’s  de-                                                          Marsha Ward will be dis-
        feat  in  1945,  over  30  na-                                                       played  at  the  Veteran’s
        tions  participated  in  the                                                         Potluck. In addition to the
        largest  and  deadliest  war                                                         handwritten       letters
        waged  to  date  and  were                                                           Ward’s  father  wrote  to
        either  a  member  of  the                                                           her  mother  and  Frank
        Allied Forces or the Axis                                                            Winter’s V-Mail between
        Powers  re-                                                             his father and grandmoth-
        ports.                                                                               er,  the  Committee  seeks
                                                                                             to include letters residents
        With the war lasting about                                                           may  have  saved  to  in-
        6  years,  our  men  and                                                             clude in the exhibit. Sub-
        women  serving  in  the                                                              mit  entries  and  a  brief
        Armed    Services   were  V-Mail’s goal was to help families stay in touch and maximize cargo   description  of  the  letter
        away from home for many  space for war supplies. Photo: National Postal Museum      (i.e. the sender and recipi-
        years.  Both  the  soldiers                                                         ent)  to  Activities  Director
        and their families looked forward to receiving mail. How-  Liz Phipps. Archival-quality pockets will store and display
        ever, sending mail overseas required a lot of  cargo space   the letters and V-Mails entrusted to the Activities Office.
        that could be used to send food, ammunition, equipment,
        etc.                                                    Event Details
                                                                Everyone is invited to the Veteran’s Day Dinner on Sun-
        Thankfully, V-Mail, or Victory mail, was invented in Eng-  day, November 10 in the Terrace Lounge at 4:30 p.m. The
        land according to the National Postal Museum (NPM), and   Association will provide the main course. WAL residents
        it proved to be a valuable military tool during WWII. Each   will  provide  sides  and  desserts  potluck-style.  Sign  up  in
        letter sent overseas was copied via specially-designed mi-  the Activities Office ASAP as seating is first-come, first-
        crofilmed letter sheets and then “blown up” at an overseas   served. Suggested contribution is $5 per person.
        station prior to the recipient receiving the mail according

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