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in                     force
               WINTER 2017

                                                                    The newsletter of the Leicestershire Police branch of UNISON
             BECOME A MEMBER -
       Negotiations continue on pay offer

       Negotiations are still ongoing after a   (UNISON, UNITE and GMB) received the   clearly the offer on the table is
       formal pay offer to police staff was put   offer and each union has now taken it to   disappointing in this context.
       forward by the employers.            its respective police committees for initial      “We were also asking for a five per cent
          The offer, made after the Police Staff   consideration. These meetings will   increase on the standby allowance, which
       Council (PSC) meeting on 25 October, is:  determine what approach each union   has been met with an offer of just one per
       l  An increase of one per cent on all pay   would like the Trade Union Side to take in   cent, and we wanted to see the removal of
         points                             the pay negotiations.               the two lowest pay points in the PSC pay
       l  A non-consolidated payment to the      Once the individual trade union   spine, a claim that has not been
         value of one per cent of basic pay (on   committees have met, the Trade Union   addressed.
         all pay points using 2016/17 pay rates)   Side will then reconvene to agree the      “The backdrop to this is that while our
         paid in monthly instalments        approach to the offer.              pay has been falling in real terms the
       l  An increase of one per cent to standby      Chris Hanrahan, branch secretary of   Retail Prices Index of inflation hit a new
         allowance from £29.17 to £29.46    Leicestershire Police UNISON, said: “Our   high of 3.9 per cent in September this
       l  Each element of the offer to be   pay claim for police staff this year was for   year.”
         backdated to 1 September 2017.     a five per cent or £1,000 increase on PSC      Look out for updates from UNISON as
          The Police Staff Trade Union Side   pay points, whichever is the greater so   negotiations continue.

       Pay Up Now – campaign sparks Commons debate

       More than 140,000 people have signed the   more flexible approach on pay.     UNISON has pledged to keep up the
       UNISON backed Pay Up Now petition calling      “We still need to deal with our country’s   pressure until it gets:
       on the Government to scrap the pay cap and   debts to ensure we have a strong economy   l  An end to the pay cap
       give public servants a meaningful pay rise.  to enable us to invest in our public services.   l  Government money made available for
          This has now triggered a debate in the   This means that we will continue to take a   an immediate pay rise for all public
       House of Commons which has been      balanced approach to public spending.   sector workers
       scheduled for 4 December.               “The Government will consider each   l  An end to Government interference in
          “This UNISON petition states that every   specific workforce to ensure pay is set so   bargaining arrangements for all public
       single person who works in public services   that we can continue to both attract and   sector pay.
       needs, and deserves, a pay rise and therefore   hold on to the excellent staff that support      Dave Prentis, UNISON general secretary,
       demands that the Government finds extra   our world-leading public services.  believes the tide may be turning.
       funding for public sector pay so that      “Before we make final decisions on pay      He explains: “The Government is now
       employers can put workers’ pay up now,”   awards, we will seek the views of the eight   under real pressure to scrap the one per cent
       says Chris Hanrahan, Leicestershire Police   independent pay review bodies, which will   cap on public sector wages and UNISON is
       UNISON branch secretary.             consider the evidence on how we ensure we   leading the fight to get you the pay rise you
          Nevertheless, the Treasury’s response   attract and retain the very best people   deserve. More and more people are listening
       to the petition, posted on the UK    within our public services, like giving people   and supporting our Pay Up Now campaign.
       Government Parliament and Petitions   more flexibility over their working hours.     “We can’t miss this opportunity. They
       website, states: “Public sector workers      “They will report in Spring 2018, at which   won’t pay up if we don’t all speak up. So,
       deserve to have fulfilling jobs that are   point we will consider their   please get involved in our campaign and
       fairly rewarded. On 12 September we   recommendations and announce public   help us win. Together we can do it.”
       announced a move away from the one per   sector pay awards for each of those      You can sign the petition here: https://
       cent public sector pay policy towards a   workforces.”         

            INSIDE  Assaults bill wins      Force reps play full                Praise for CMD in
                                            part in UNISON
                                                                                the midst of Op
                                                                                Darwin -
                support from MPs
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