Page 3 - In Force Winter 2017_Neat
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Branch supports Black History Month

       Leicestershire Police UNISON joined the   what employers are going to do once the
       wider UNISON family in marking Black   month is over to improve the lives of black
       History Month during October.       workers.”
          In a series of Facebook posts       Labour MP and former UNISON
       throughout the month, UNISON members,   president Eleanor Smith reminded everyone
       alongside police staff and officers, shared   of the importance of remembering the
       the sentiment ‘Never Forget’ to     past.
       acknowledge the 30th year of Black      ““History defines what we are today.
       History Month in the UK.            You can’t forget it, and you shouldn’t. At
          The event honours “inspirational   the same time, Black people have not just
       individuals” within the black and minority   been slaves, but many, many other things.
       ethnic communities.                 We have contributed so much, throughout
          Chris Hanrahan, Leicestershire Police   the world. That’s why Black History Month
       UNISON branch secretary, said: “Its   is so valuable. Those contributions have to
       important to state that here at     be recognised.”
       Leicestershire Police UNISON we place
       incredible emphasis on acknowledging the
       history of all our employees and ensuring
       the contributions of individuals in the past   Leicestershire Police UNISON branch
       are recognised today and always.                  secretary Chris Hanrahan.
          “Black History Month is an event that    BLACK HISTORY MONTH IS AN EVENT THAT WE ENCOURAGE
       we encourage everyone in the wider   “
       community to get involved with, and like    EVERYONE IN THE WIDER COMMUNITY TO GET INVOLVED
       our posters said, to ‘never forget’ the
       contributions of black and minority ethnic   WITH, AND LIKE OUR POSTERS SAID, TO ‘NEVER FORGET’ THE
       communities. Most importantly reminding
       them, we are one UNISON.”                   CONTRIBUTIONS OF BLACK AND MINORITY ETHNIC
          Margaret Greer, the union’s national
       officer for race equality, promoted lasting   COMMUNITIES. MOST IMPORTANTLY REMINDING THEM, WE
       support for Black History Month and not
       just “tokenism” saying: “We want to know    ARE ONE UNISON.

       Our new training co-ordinator

       Paul Gurney has been appointed as                       branch office with multiple job roles required a specialist person
       Leicestershire Police UNISON’s first ever               to always be on hand.
       training co-ordinator.                                     “As a branch we feel that education is an important element
          The position will see him act as a                   of the union. Whether its branch officer, steward, health and
       constant port of communication between                  safety or membership training, we need to have someone with
       the membership and union                                some dedicated time to be able to source time and energy to
       representatives.                                        promote it,” said Lesley.
          Paul will spend his time co-ordinating                  “It’s important, especially in the ever-changing work
       educational courses, developing personal                environment, to try to source training within our service area.”
       strategies for members and working closely with other UNISON      Lesley believes the development of the individual is
       branches across the UK.                                 paramount to the success of the team.
          “I have been involved in training and development throughout      “Training that benefits our members will ultimately benefit
       my career, from arranging and delivering courses to leading,   our organisation. UNISON can offer so much more than
       tutoring and mentoring individuals. I am incredibly passionate   standardised training. We hope the making of a specialist role
       about getting the best from people,” said Paul.         will help to develop and give value to our members, which they
          “With training and development at the forefront of UNISON’s   can then use out in the communities,” she explained.
       work, it is important to give members the opportunity to learn      “Paul has worked here at UNISON as a branch assistant for a   PAGE 3
       new skills so that they can overcome any challenges they face   long time, his knowledge and understanding of the union is
       with the relevant skills.”                              second to none and he is incredibly passionate about what he
          Lesley Panton, branch treasurer, said the demands of a busy   does.”
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