Page 7 - In Force Winter 2017_Neat
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Force “needs improvement”, says HMICFRS
Leicestershire has been found to require trying to do more with less.” public.
improvement in all three areas of an HM Inspector of Constabulary Zoë “The Force’s finances are stable and it
efficiency inspection by Her Majesty’s Billingham acknowledged the Force was has consistently met savings targets. The
Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & working hard to improve its efficiency. Force will need to plan carefully to achieve a
Rescue Services (HMICFRS). She explained: “I am encouraged that sustainable financial position for the future,
Inspectors said the Force: the Force has recognised that its while meeting increasing demand. I am
l “Requires improvement” at organisational structure is causing some confident that the chief constable and his
understanding the demands for its inefficiencies. It’s extensive change chief officer team will continue to move the
services programme is designed to address this Force in the right direction over the coming
l “Requires improvement” at how it uses through a reorganisation of its workforce year.”
its resources and considerable changes in how incidents Leicestershire was inspected by
l “Requires improvement” at planning and investigations are managed. I am HMICFRS as part of the third annual
for the future. encouraged that the Force is also improving efficiency reports which examine how well
Chris Hanrahan, secretary of the how it manages hidden demand. police forces in England and Wales
Leicestershire Police branch of UNISON, said “The Force has a sound understanding understand demand, use their resources
the rating was disappointing not just for of the operational skills of its officers and and plan for the future. Two forces have
the Force but also for police staff and staff, although more could be done to been graded as “outstanding”, 30 as “good”,
officers. further encourage talented people within 10 as “requiring improvement”, two more
“The Government cuts to police budgets its workforce through more formal than last year, and no force was rated as
have put all forces under pressure as they development schemes. “inadequate”.
try to fight crime and protect their “I am pleased that the Force works in The overall finding was that in an
communities. Hard-working people strong and close collaboration with environment of increasingly complex crime
working in policing have risen to the neighbouring police forces across the and changing demand, police forces are
challenge and have attempted to maintain region and works well with other local generally continuing to manage their
a high quality service despite the pressures agencies, like local councils and other resources well.
they are under,” says Chris. emergency services. The Force has rolled The report concludes that while most
“This rating will come as a further blow out mobile devices to all front-line officers police forces throughout the country have
to everyone who cares about the policing and staff. This initiative will help to improve risen impressively to the challenges they
service we provide but sadly it is a case of the efficiency of the workforce, and support face, policing remains under significant
something has to give; we just can’t go on the provision of a better service to the stress.
Member benefits:
Support your union and let your union support you
UNISON membership gives you
With police staff jobs on the line as the branch secretary. essential cover. The full range of
Force tries to deal with its funding shortfall “We are also calling on more people to benefits includes:
and a pay rise of just one per cent on the become union representatives so that they l Advice, support and help when
table, the Leicestershire Police branch of can offer support to colleagues and help us you need it at work
UNISON is busier than ever but is also collect and spread information among the
encouraging all members of staff to join membership.” l A helpline that is open until
the union. Please fill out the form below if you midnight during the week and
“Now is the time can spare a little time to 4pm on Saturdays
for anyone who is help UNISON, and other l Legal help for you at work and
not a member to join Would you like to staff. your family at home, subject to
up. By everyone become a member of Or sign up online by certain criteria
working together we visiting l Financial assistance and debt
are stronger,” says UNISON? advice in times of need
Chris Hanrahan, l Compensation for accidents and
injuries at work
Title: ................................................................................................................................................. l A range of exclusive member
discounts that can save you and
First name: ..................................................................................................................................... your family money when you are
Surname: ........................................................................................................................................ shopping, buying insurance or
going on holiday
Day-time telephone number: ................................................................................................. l Education and training advice
and courses, leading to PAGE 7
Email address: ..............................................................................................................................
vocational and professional
Please tick this box if you are interested in finding out more about qualifications.
becoming a representative.